Chapter 13: Spill it Out

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Josh's POV

Two words. Social media. The stupidest thing ever created to man kind. Its where everything starts. Including this. Even though I can be a bully sometimes I would never do this to Adara or to anyone. This is way too far. Like no one can have their own privacy anymore? It hurts to see Adara this hurt. She looks broken. She fell asleep crying on me on the porch swing. I brush her soft brunette hair with my fingers and let it go through them. I watch her body rise and fall with her breathing. I just wanna lay with her forever.

Its been 2 hours since i came and she's still sleeping. Its 5:30 almost 6. I don't wanna wake her so I decide to carry her inside. I let my left arm carry her body and the right carry her legs. I'm so glad I got my cast off. She's pretty light actually.

Struggling with the door knob, I finally bust it open and walk inside. I close the door with my butt and walk up the stairs to her room.

"Psst. What are you doing?"

I jump and turn around to see Hayley. Oh she scares me sometimes.

"Hayley don't do that! You scared me...and I'm taking her up to her room." I whisper loudly.

"Sorry haha and alright, well I got to be going now, my mom wants me to go and baby sit my little cousin. Ugh." she says.

"Haha okay see you."

"Pray for me dude. I'm gonna die with her in my presence. " she jokes and grabs her bag and leaves.

I continue to walk up the stairs and Adara starts to stur in my arms. She doesn't wake up though. I walk up and open the door with the dove symbol on it and walk in her room. I put her on her bed careful not to wake her up. I remove the hair off her face. God she's so beautiful. I couldn't resist so I leaned in and kissed her cheek. Her eyes flutter and open. She first seems confused about how she's back in her room, and then looks at me and smiles a little.

"Hey." She whispers, and her smile widens a little more.

"Hey." I whisper back.

"Did you carry me up all those stairs?" She smirks.

"Haha yes I did, why?" I laughed.

"Oh nothing. Just wondering..." she says and blushes.

A little awkward silence takes over. I take her hand and hold it within mine. Her hands are smaller compared to mine. But I feel like they were made to fit, like a missing puzzle piece that's finally found. She looks at me with her brown beautiful eyes. She's still blushing and I can't help but smile. I'm guessing my smile is contagious cuz she smiles back, and hides her face behind our intertwined hands.

"You're so cute Adara." I blurt out.

She peeks above our hands and looks and me, shocked. She lifts her head up to look at me.

"Did you really mean that?" She asks me.

What does she mean?

"What I just said right now?" I tell her. I wrinkle my eye brows in confusion.

"Yeah, and that night we kissed....did you really mean what you said?"

She's now sitting up in the bed, our hands still intertwined. She thinks I was playing her, she thinks I didn't mean it. Because I was being a stupid bitch to her before. Gosh I was so stupid. I stand up and our hands break apart. I wish they didn't. And I sit on her bed right beside her. Adara is still looking at me, waiting for the answer to come out of me.

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