Chapter 3: I'm Home

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Hey my amazing readers!

Here's the next chapter of  my story!

I hope you like it! ENJOY! :) <3


Driving home from school was okay I guess. Just like an ordinary day going home from school, except it isn't.

As soon as I got home, I went to the kitchen wall and there was the post-it still up from this morning that had Janely's address.

I pluck it off the  wall and go to my room to get my stuff. This won't be my home anymore.

I won't live here. Sometimes life just plain sucks.

On my way to my room, I pass by a room that I recognized since I was brought here; my mother's bedroom.

I stop and  just stare into the blank and lonely room.

Pictures of my mother smiling flash through my mind.

My legs weaken and I just fall to the floor, hugging my legs up to my chest putting my chin on my knees I just stare....stare into the blankness of the walls, the floor, the room.

I remember my 7th birthday my mother gave me her necklace that she had that her mother  gave her.

"Keep this Adara. And all your fears will go away, because you will know that mommy is here with you everywhere. Don't be afraid to be alone." she told me.

I hug my knees even tighter.

Wait. Her necklace. MY necklace.

I get off from the floor and go to my room in search for the necklace.

Its all I have left of my mother. 

I go to my dresser and dig through my clothes. Dig through my desk.

And thats when I found it. In its beautiful engraved silver box with my name on it.

I open it and look at the necklace and its beauty. Its gold and has little rhinestones on the locket part.

Oh wait. Its a locket. I didn't know it was a locket before...

I open the necklace and it reveals two pictures that I do recognize.

On one side is me, when I was at least 5 years old. And on the other side, my mother with her beautiful heart warming smile.

She was so beautiful.

I clutch the locket in my left hand and put it up to my chest as I just take everything all in.

I check my phone for the time, its 4:45.

4:45 already?

I take the locket, put it back in its box, and place it on my bed.

I search for my suitcase in my closet and grab all my clothes and shoes and everything that I need to survive basically.

I get the picture of me and my mom at a fair framed on my dresser and place it on top of everything in my suitcase.

Gotta have that for sure.

Then  I exit my doorway to my room and take one more last glance at it.

Its so empty and lifeless now. I wish this never would've happened.

I don't want to leave this house. This is my HOME.

I drag my feet away from my room and my mother's room and into the living room.

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