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"𝙱𝚎 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎"
𝟸𝟽𝟾 𝙰𝙲 - 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚐'𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐

     THE ROOM WAS FILLED WITH the light chatter of the distinguished guests and the soft tune of a lute. The girl sat beside her father at the high table, an empty seat between them, listening with a gentle smile as all the highborn families of the realm were announced.

     House Tyrell. House Baratheon. House Bolton. House Arryn. House Greyjoy.

     One after another with seemingly no end to the girl. But Rhaenys finally did perk up when she saw a certain, tanned young man waltzing in alongside his family. The girl sat further upright in anticipation, having not seen her dear friend in a long while.

     "Ser Morion of House Martell, Prince of Dorne, Lord of Sunspear." The servant by the door announced loudly over the crowd. "his lady wife, Princess Chenaye Martell, and their children; Doran, Mors, Olyvar, Elia and Oberyn."

     The Dornish family made their way down the few steps and started making their way towards the royals at the front of the hall. Everything about them screamed confidence, and the way the dim lighting hit their tanned skin was breathtaking.

     "Your Grace," The eldest of the house bowed to the king, causing his wife and children to follow suit. "It is an honor to be invited to such a wondrous celebration." A smile lit up with aging features as he turned to the princess. "Congratulations, Your Highness."

     The light haired girl nodded, matching his smile with a genuine one of her own. "Thank you, Prince Morion. I do hope you and your families enjoy the festivities."

     "Of course, Princess."

     As the family turned to leave, one lingered behind, making his way up the few steps towards the girl who was younger by just a few years. Rhaenys stood as he got close, lifting her hand outwards towards him.

     He wasted no time in taking it in his, pressing a light kiss to her knuckles and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Princess."

     She smiled at her friend, squeezing him back. "It had been a long time, Oberyn. I have missed you."

     "I have missed you as well," He replied with a smile, dropping her hand and folding his own behind his back. "You and your soon-to-be husband must visit Dorne when you have the time. I'm sure you miss the water gardens."

     Years back, shortly after the princess had taken Elia as her handmaiden, the pair visited the land furthest South. It was a beautiful place, and a nice change from the stinking city. Ever since, she had longed to return, even for a short while.

     The girl groaned softly, throwing her head back. "Oh, I do." She smiled as she faced the young man again. "It is wonderful down there. I will speak to Rhaegar about it, I assure you."

     Oberyn smiled lightly at her words and looked as though he was about to say something else when the servant who had been announcing the highborn families struck his staff against the ground, the loud thumps it made causing everyone who had been mingling around to head towards their seats.

     The young man before her glanced in his direction before turning back to the girl, bowing his head and mumbling a quick, "Princess", before turning and making his way to his assigned table. The room fell silent as all eyes turned towards the door.

     There was a few passing moments of silence before he appeared, his strides confident and powerful as his inky, black shoulder cape blew behind him, a stark contrast to his pale hair and skin. His tunic was made of polished leather, making the blood red color of it seem even more menacing.

     The entire hall stood upon his arrival, the servant voice being the only sound besides the tapping of the young man's boots as he made his way down the steps.

     "Ser Rhaegar of House Targaryen. Prince of Dragonstone, Knight of the Seven Kingdoms and Heir to the Iron Throne."

     Everyone in the hall bowed their heads to their prince as he made his way up the isle, his face void of emotion. That is, until is indigo eyes met the lilac ones of his future lady wife. She gave him a small smile as she rounded the table, holding out a hand to him.

     Rhaegar returned the smile, gently taking her hand and pressing a kiss to her delicate skin. His thumb brushed over her knuckle as he looked up at her. "My betrothed."

     "My betrothed," She said happily.

     Keeping their hands clasped together, the Targaryen children rounded the table, Rhaegar taking his place beside the king with the girl returning to her prior seat. Just as they were sitting down, the eldest of the family rose from his chair, all eyes in the hall turning to him.

     "Be welcome," Aerys' voice was the only sound in the hall, everyone silent as they listened to their king's words. "Tonight marks the beginning of a new era for House Targaryen; a new generation of dragon's blood. As we come together to celebrate the union of my heir, Rhaegar, and my daughter, Rhaenys."

    Clapping filled the hall, the highborn houses, though disappointed the princess wasn't going to wed one of their sons, were glad to have been apart of this moment in history.

     "After tonight's small affair, a royal wedding will take place. Tomorrow, when the sun is at its peak, my children will be united under the Gods. May their marriage bring forth many more Targaryen dragons."

     With that, the king rose his glass, the rest of the hall following suit in the silent toast before Aerys sat back down, causing the hall the erupt with laughter, music, and soft chatter.

     All throughout the night, the Targaryen children mingled only with each other, talking in hushed voices with their hands intertwined. Anyone could tell that the smiles on their faces were genuine ones, even those who did approve of their union. Such as a certain Hand of the King, who sat with a stoic expression beside his family.

     "They seem happy," A young blonde girl said, looking up at her father. "I thought you said they didn't like each other."

     The man looked down at his only daughter, his face never changing. Lord Tywin Lannister was a clever man, that much was known, and his girl shared the same wits as he did; she wasn't blind to the fact that the royal children hadn't once parted from each other.

     Despite his marriage proposal of Cersei and Rhaegar, which was obviously refused by the king, he couldn't help but admit that the Targaryen children seemed to be made for each other.

     "They do. It is all a show for these highborn fools." He looked around the room before his eyes rested on her again. "You will be queen one day, my dear. Trust me."

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