3. Duality

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"Didn't he tell you to leave him? He already told you he doesn't like you anymore" Gaeul retorted to Yeongin.

"Stay out of our things" He replied coldly and pushed her away.

Sunoo has had enough. Not only is Yeongin forcing him to be in a relationship with him again, but he also just pushed his bestfriend Gaeul away, who has nothing to do with their problems.

Back to Present

Sunoo couldn't stay calm anymore...


A huge thud echoed across the hallways.

What was that sound?


Sunoo slapped Yeongin across the face, so hard that he fell on the ground, thus the reason for that huge thud.

Everyone watching the scene widened their eyes. How could they not though? It was Sunoo, Kim Sunoo that slapped someone like that.

Sunoo would never do that to anyone, unless it was that serious.

Even Yeongin was lost for words. He was still on the ground, looking at Sunoo, like he's seeing a ghost.

Gaeul also looked at Sunoo in shock. She never expected Sunoo to do that. Not that it annoyed her or anything, in fact it honestly made her super proud.

Meanwhile, Heeseung was still processing what he saw. Did Sunoo really just do that?

His lips curled up into an amused smile, as he stared at Sunoo, who was now walking towards Gaeul to see if she was okay.

'Ah Kim Sunoo...What are you doing to me?" He thought to himself, his smile growing wider, and his gaze never leaving Sunoo.

- - - - - - - - - -

"HE WHAT?" Jungwon shouted from the cafeteria with wide eyes, his jaw almost on the ground.

"Ikr, I really thought I was dreaming"  Gaeul recalled the incident earlier, with a proud smile on her face.

"Yah guys, stop talking about that already-" Sunoo stated but was interrupted by Wonyoung-

"How can we when THE Kim Sunoo literally slapped someone in the school hallways?" Wonyoung asked, her tone laced with excitement.

At the same time, they can hear many students who witnessed the incident earlier, talking about it too.

Some laughing after remembering Yeongin's face, while some still in utter shock.

'Pftt, you should've seen that dude's face.'

'Hahah ikr. I can't believe Sunoo did that.'
'Sunoo oppa looked so cool while doing it!'
'Honestly, that guy deserved it though.'
'Yea, he was being such a weirdo.'

Sunoo was glad that the other students didn't blame him, and was on his side.


Heeseung was looking at Sunoo, who sat not too far across his table.

He was still mesmerized by the scene earlier. He finds Sunoo's duality absolutely eye-catching.

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