6. Thoughts

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Sunoo was now, at home. He had taken a bath and changed himself.

He ate lunch with his family, and was now sitting in his room freely.

However, he still couldn't get the earlier incident out of his mind. He just couldn't stop thinking about it.

'Snap out of it, Sunoo!' Sunoo quickly thought to himself, his cheeks heating up at just the thought of Heeseung.

But he pushed his thoughts and feelings aside.

Heeseung was not particularly someone who dates people just to break their hearts, but Sunoo has very bad trust issues, thanks to his ex.

As much as he would like to try to get to know the older better, he just can't bring himself to do it.

Sunoo decided to go outside and take a walk to relax his mind.

He got dressed in a casual outfit. He did his hair and put on perfume.

He then, went downstairs. When he reached, his mom who was washing the dishes saw him and asked-

"Oh, are you going somewhere dear?" She asked, looking at Sunoo.

"Yeah Eomma, I'm just gonna go outside to take a walk." He answered.

"Ok, but don't take long." She said, and Sunoo nodded.

He bid goodbye to his mom, and went outside.

Time Skip - 10 minutes

Sunoo was now walking in the park. He was enjoying the fresh breeze and admiring the beautiful greenery.

After a few minutes, he decided to go to a nearby cafe since he felt a little hungry.

He spotted one not too far away, so he started to walk towards it.

Once he reached, he saw that there weren't much people there.

He found a seat near the huge windows of the cafe, so he sat there.

Not soon after, a waiter came for Sunoo's order.

After he ordered, the waiter went to get his food.

In about 7 minutes, the waiter returned with his food, and put it on the table.

"Enjoy, sir!" The waiter smiled and left.

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Sunoossiii posted (12 minutes ago)

❤️ Liked by Jang_young and 773 othersSunoossiii  Have a great day!<3

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❤️ Liked by Jang_young and 773 others
Sunoossiii Have a great day!<3

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