13. SunJay?

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As soon as Sunoo stepped in his home, he went to his room to freshen up.

He ate lunch, and then went back to his room ready to take a nap.

- - - - - - - - - -

It was the next day and, Sunoo, as usual, got up and did his morning routine.

He ate breakfast and left with Tae, after bidding goodbye to his parents.

When they reached, Sunoo got off and waved happily to Tae, who did the same to him.

They soon parted ways and Sunoo entered the building.

He decided to take a stroll around the hallways and look for his friends, as there was still time till class starts.

On the other hand, Heeseung had already reached.

He was walking around the hallways with Jay. Meanwhile, the girls who were on their way were fangirling and screaming over them.

While Jay jokingly winks at them time to time, Heeseung wasn't paying attention to a single one of them. The only one on his mind was Sunoo.

As so far, HeeSun are going very smoothly. Well, just except for Heeseung's problem towards Wonyoung, because of the rumours.

He is really trying his hardest to convince himself the truth but sometimes, he just can't hold it in. It's just in his nature.

And seeing so many other students propose to Sunoo makes his blood boil. He can't stand it.

If only he could stop them and say that Sunoo was his and only his.

If only he had the courage to ask Sunoo. But he was too afraid of the younger's answer. What if he only saw him as a friend? What if...?

Heeseung couldn't help but overthink the possibilities.

He was in his deep thoughts, when suddenly-


He looked to his side and saw that Jay and a student bumped into each other.

They both were gonna fall down, but thankfully Jay held the student securely, making sure they both were safe.

Heeseung didn't care, not one bit. That was until he saw that the student who Jay bumped into was none other than Sunoo.

When he realised, he immediately stopped on his tracks and watched them.

Meanwhile, SunJay slowly opened their eyes.

'Wait, Isn't he... Sunoo?... The one whom Heeseung is obsessed with...' Jay thought to himself, staring at the younger.

This is the first time he saw Sunoo up so close. Usually, he only sees him from afar, but never has he seen him like this.

His thoughts were interrupted when-

"A-ah, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Sunoo apologized, his eyes glossy and lips looked soft and plump.

Jay looked at him, mesmerized. The younger was so pretty, he couldn't even take his eyes off.

He gave him a smile, shaking his head.

"No, it's fine. I was also not looking." He said, assuringly.

"By the way, Sunoo right?" He asked again mischievously, making Sunoo confused.

"Um yea...but how'd you know?" Sunoo asked curiously.

"Of course I know. You're the campus cutie, and everyone's crush." Jay said, smiling. He wasn't even lying, honestly.

"Wh-what?" Sunoo stuttered out, blushing. Actually, he wasn't quite aware of this name given to him by the students.

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