19. kiss? (s.m)

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[ Warning :- This chapter contains some mature scenes. Please skip ahead if uncomfortable. ]

"hyung-" sunoo breathed out.

"shhh..." heeseung said, staring deeply into his eyes.

heeseung's one hand gripped the younger's soft waist, as the other one went up, tracing his prominent collarbones.

sunoo gripped on heeseung's shoulders, feeling the olders' cold fingertips rubbing his hips.

"hyung..." sunoo's voice was so low, like a whisper.

the older looked at him with his piercing eyes, staring so intensely at sunoo, watching his every move.

heeseung turned his face to face him, tucking his hair behind his ear.

"you're so beautiful, do you know that?" he asked, staring deeply into sunoo's eyes. 

sunoo's ears turned pink, at the older's words but he wasn't surprised.

it's not the first time that the older complimented him like this, but whenever he does, it really does make the younger feel so giddy inside.

meanwhile, heeseung observed sunoos' face, the way he can see his cheeks heat up while his long, pretty eyelashes fluttered.
and his eyes..oh his eyes... the most beautiful thing heeseung has ever seen.

'you don't know baby, how perfect you are.'

he moved his face forward, nosing sunoos' cheek, and groaned when he made contact with the skin.
he had the softest milky skin that heeseung had ever felt.

he slowly went down to his jaw, neck and collarbones.

"your scent... it's making me crazy." he said under his breath, taking in the heavenly scent.

sunoo closed his eyes, feeling heeseung's hot breath on his neck and his hair tickling him.

his fingers went to heeseung's shoulder, holding there as he felt his knees getting weak.

heeseung smiled at the action, moving his face more and more into the crook of the younger's neck, burying it there.

he placed a kiss on the side of his neck, groaning at the alluring taste of the soft skin, hands going to hold sunoo's waist from underneath his top.

he placed another kiss, this time on sunoo's collarbone as the younger let out a small gasp.

he looked up at the younger, and saw him looking to the side, with his eyes shut tight, cheeks and ears turning pink.

he chuckled, and dived back into sunoos' neck, continuing his actions.

sunoos' eyes were getting watery at the sweet but burning sensation on his neck and collarbones.

It was his first time experiencing something like this, so was the older's.

sunoo tilted his own neck to give more access to the older, as the older devoured every inch of it.


"heeseung! come downstairs!!" sunoo widened his eyes when he heard jieun's voice, bringing him back to his senses.

he quickly pushed the older away, but not too harshly, so that the older wouldn't get hurt.

"wh-what happened?" heeseung asked, a little surprised and mostly upset at the action.

but before sunoo could say a word;

"heeseung??" Jieun called again, and heeseung groaned.

"coming!" he shouted, eyes glued to sunoo's, staring at him shamelessly, while the younger was fidgeting with his own fingers.

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