20. Bonding

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"why does he have to be so pretty..."

brushing his teeth, a certain ravenette was talking by himself with a tiny frown.

he closed his eyes, the image of the younger caressing his arm, with those worried foxy eyes- stuck in his head.

he was brought back to his senses when he heard the faint voices of jieun and jay from downstairs, and quickly washed his face.

he took a quick bath and came out of the bathroom, walking towards his closet.

he smiled cheekily to himself, taking a blue shirt from his cupboard, vividly remembering how sunoo had worn a blue top earlier as well.

he looked in the mirror one last time and left the room, but not before doing an excited jump.

[ a - isn't he so cute... ]

he ran downstairs and looked here and there with curious bambi eyes, clearly searching for the younger.

"sunoo hyung will come soon." jungwon went to him and whispered, as heeseung pouted, nodding.

"aren't you gonna eat? we all ate already." jungwon asked.

"what? you guys ate without me?"

"hyung, it's almost noon..." jungwon said with a done expression, as heeseung just rubbed his nape, with a sheepish smile.

"hyung!" his ears perked up when he heard that voice and his doe eyes sparkled when he saw the younger walking towards him.

"did you eat yet?" sunoo asked as heeseung shook his head.

"hyung, why don't you eat? you didn't eat anything, you'll feel hungry..." he said crossing his arms, with a worried look.

earlier, when they all were eating breakfast, sunoo wasnt eating as he insisted to wait for heeseung.

he only ate a little when jieun forced him to eat and told him that heeseung's gonna wake up really late.

but heeseung didn't respond, just staring deeply into those ethereal foxy eyes.

"i'll bring you food."

but before sunoo could leave, heeseung held his wrist, stopping him.

sunoo turned back and looked at him, waiting for the older to tell him why he stopped him.

"c-can you f-feed me..."

sunoo just looked at him with an unreadable expression.

it took a minute for heeseung to process what he just said, and his face immediately heats up.

"i-i mean- neverm-" but before he could finish his sentence, sunoo walked off to the kitchen.

'ugh way to go heeseung. you just embarassed yourself infront of him.' heeseung thought, anxiously sitting on the chair.

he sighed and was about to get up when he saw sunoo coming towards him with a plate of food.

he stood in front of heeseung and grabbed the food with the chopsticks, extending it near the olders' mouth.

while heeseung just stared at him, like he forgot to blink.

"what? did you change your mind?" sunoo asked, refering to heeseung wanting for him to feed him.

again, heeseung didn't respond, so sunoo was about to place the plate on the table but heeseung immediately pulled the younger towards himself by the waist.

sunoo looked at heeseung with surprised eyes as the older gave him a sheepish smile.

he then pointed his finger to his mouth, motioning for sunoo to feed him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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