Chapter 20

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Data entry 24:

I have introduced subject G19T3H to the subject known as (Y/N), her subject name will be Y238N1. They seemed unsure of each other at first, subjects Y238N1's sister being her center of attention most of the time.

However over the past months both subjects have been growing closer. Just as I hoped, this experiment is going to work. I have yet to look into Y238N1's soul. I'm curious what the main trait would be. I thought it would be determination with the life she has lived throughout her childhood and the lack of fear. Today I will test subjects in the fear category before examining their soul.

If the soul isn't useful ... I'll terminate the subject.

* * * * * *

Date entry 25:

Subject Y238N1 does not seem to have the emotion of fear. There seems to be something lacking in their brain after seeing the scans. After asking the subject questions I was able to confirm that the subject never had a brain injury but was born this way. I then gifted Y238N1 with a snake, subject J890N3, in hopes to give her that sense she so desperately needs to survive my future plans.

I looked further into the subject's soul, I never seen this type of soul before. I will have to run more tests. Maybe subject G19T3H can be of some help with this test as their soul seems to work similar to Y238N1. The test shall begin.

* * * * * * 

"Oh c'mon, Mario is way better than Luigi." The white haired boy groaned, rolling his eyes as he leaned back against his bed frame. This argument has been lasting a while, first it was Sonic and Knuckles, the Kingdom of Hearts argument, then Halo versus Call of Duty, and no Mario and Luigi.

"Mario can hardly handle the ghosts in the game. Luigi, despite being terrified, took care of the ghosts!" I argued, crossing my arms across my chest. Before the argument could continue a knock was heard on the door. We both looked over seeing Xavier standing in the doorway, his knuckle resting on the door.

"Come you two. I need to run some tests." Xavier spoke, the smile faded from my friend's lips as his silver eyes narrowed.

I shrugged, pushing myself to my feet, walking over to Xavier with my friend following right behind. Xavier led us out of the apartment, walking into the elevator while I stood on one side while my friend stood on the other. The elevator doors close, before going down to the first level, the doors opening revealing the bright hallway. Xavier led the way with the two of us following behind him, leading us through the twist and turns. Before he came to a door labeled training. He turned the knob on the door, opening it before holding it open for the two of us walking into the room. Xavier closed the door behind us, before walking over to the chair in front of a desk littered in buttons, screens, levers.

I looked around the room, noticing another door on the far left, windows stretched all across the wall. I looked through the windows, seeing another room covered in large tiles with cameras being in each corner. "Leave the snake here (Y/N)." Xavier stated, gesturing to a part of the desk that wasn't littered in buttons. I nodded, unwrapping Jack from around my neck before placing him down onto the desk. "Now follow my son into the room." Xavier instructed, giving a gesture to the white haired boy to go.

My friend glared at him in response before shoving his hands into the pockets of his jacket, gesturing with his head for me to follow. I walked right behind him as he opened the other door, letting it swing open as I followed behind him closing the door behind me. "What are we doing?" I question, unsure what this sort of test is, much less what this room is for.

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