Chapter 25

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Error's eyes widened in shock, as he began to wonder how X-Gaster escaped his prison much less was able to have (Y/N) in his grasp. No, with how she explained her memories she wasn't really looking after them at a certain point but his dinosaur pal. He must have been experimenting on her during everything that transpired from what was going on in his own world to the X-Event.

His eyes then fell onto Ink whose focus was on X-Gaster, his grip on his paintbrush seemed to loosen slightly. "TcH." Error clicked his tongue as he stomped over, grabbing Ink by the back of his shirt. "YoU'rE cOmInG wItH mE." He growled as he opened a portal behind him before jumping through yanking Ink along with him, closing the portal back up. He threw Ink to the ground, before using his strings to yank out his paintbrush, sending it up into his web of blue strings. "DiD yOu Do ThIs On PuRpOsE!?" Error growled as Ink sat up, staring at him with a blank look.

Ink let out a sigh, "Do what on purpose?" Ink questioned, staring right into Error's eyes, lifting one knee, placing his arm on top of it.

Error's eyes narrowed, his hatred for Ink growing more. Sure Error and Ink fought a lot, but he never hated him to begin with due to the fact he thought Ink was only doing his job, what he was created to do. That was until he found out the reason behind it, the reason so he could mess around with others' lives, creating other worlds to watch them suffer without messing with the originals. So he forced Ink into an agreement, not more creation and no more destruction. He didn't mind, sure he wanted only Undertale to be the only universe but he would rather have the remaining worlds exist versus Ink messing around. Then his hatred grew more after the X-Event, only hoping he learned his lesson. Now he messes with someone he considers a friend, someone he trusts. It angered him. "FrEed X-GaStEr! Oh aNd ThE fAcT YoU dIdN't BoTheR tO mEntIoN hEr ExSiStAnCe!?" Error growled, his hands forming into fists. "Or EvEn CaUsEd ThE sTaRrY mOrOn To EnD uP iN nIgHtMaRe'S rEaLm." He added, as he felt his anger began to boil.

"Honestly I thought she was dead." Ink spoke, causing Error to freeze. "I couldn't find her anywhere, along with no trace of her magic." He then looked down towards the ground in thought. "I still don't know how to this day." He mumbled to himself, looking over his scarf to make sure he really didn't know. He then glanced up at Error who was waiting patiently, a shocked expression on his face, "I didn't free X-Gaster either. He broke free on his own, for some reason the barrier we created weakened. My guess was when her magic was freed once more." Ink explained as he pushed himself off the ground, brushing himself off. "As for Blue getting there, yes I did. I knew he was watching us, my guess meaning he tried to find her on his own but was unsuccessful. So I figured with all of us including her power-"

"(Y/N)." Error corrected as Ink gave him a look of confusion.

"Who is that?" Ink questioned, tilting his head slightly to the side.

Error rolled his eyelights, "HeR nAmE. It'S (Y/N)."

"Hm, I see, I only knew her subject name. Anyway as I was saying-" Error gave Ink a dumbfounded look as he crossed his arms. "I figured with all of us including (Y/N), we will be able to defeat X-Gaster." Ink claimed, looking away for a moment before looking at Error. "He would've escaped sooner or later to reach his end goals."

Error clicked his tongue, but he knew Ink was right in his own way. X-Gaster would do anything in his power to reach his end goal, which included torturing his own sons along with his world as he tried to get the overwrite power perfect. Not to mention what he did to Undertale to try and claim what the original Sans has achieved. "sTiLl ... WhAt IF wE lOoSe? WhAt If We CaN't KilL hIm?" Error questioned, his shoulders relaxing as his hostility began to fade.

"It's a risk we have to take. We know he can't kill all of us and I even think he knows that." Ink stated as he relaxed his stance. "In the end, we can always shove him into another prison, creating it with the help of he-(Y/N)." Ink corrected himself before Error could correct him again.

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