Chapter 26

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"(Y- Hera! Run!" I hear Horror yell out as he uses his axe to deflect the spikes heading his way. "Get out of here, we will find you!" He called out, looking my way for a moment before his focus was back on X-Gaster.

"Listen to him!" I look over seeing Nightmare who used his tentacles to force X-Gaster away from me. "We can handle this!" He added as his brother fired a light blue arrow, hitting one of X-Gaster's large floating hands.

"YoU dOnE pLeNtY." Error added, looking at me with a proud smile before his gaze focused on the taller skeleton, snapping his fingers causing multiple gaster blasters to form. My gaze then fell on Ink who made eye contact with me, an unreadable look shone in his gaze as it seemed to search in my gaze for something.

I gave him a determined glare in response, as if giving him the answer he was searching for. He seemed to relax before jumping into the fight himself, all of the skeletons locked in battle however I could tell they were beginning to grow tired. Sweat was beginning to drip from their skulls, to be honest I was exhausted myself.

I felt blood dripping down my cheek, reaching my hand up, touching the thick, warm, liquid before bringing it to my eyes. A sharp pain shot through my eye for a second, but it was enough to understand I was beginning to reach my limit. Glitch's warning echoed across my head, but I knew I could use more of my power if needed, knowing my true limits. I then took a deep breath in and out, as the decision danced around my mind. I grabbed hold of the spike pinning my shoulder to the wall before yanking it out before tossing it to the side.

I let out a small his as I brought my hand to my shoulder, applying pressure on the wound. I winced as flashes of memory crossed my mind, like a bright light shining in a dark room after your eyes adjusted. Everything I knew, the abuse I endured for my ... no Aliza was all just ... a lie, a fake memory.

I begin to wonder if I looked like my mother, if she was happy to have me despite her dying in the end because of me. I wonder if she wore a smile on her face when she held me, if there were tears of joy, if a light was shining in her eyes.

So many things to think about with so little time. So many lost memories to gain, to learn, to experience once more. All I really know is that Glitch and I were raised together, we were practically siblings even.

My eyes narrowed as I glared at X-Gaster, "And he took those memories from us." I growled, tears dripping down my cheeks as now Glitch and I would never get a proper reunion, knowing now how much we meant to each other. I lost a brother just as I found out I had one. He is a monster.

I felt strong energy began to radiate off me as I pushed myself into a kneeling position, keeping one hand on my wound as a shadow covered my eyes, a teal mist began to radiate off my skin, almost looking like smoak as I looked up, my amber eye giving off a glow similar  to the teal one. I felt almost like a hand on each shoulder, feeling as if two people were standing behind me, supporting my final decision.

"I will fight. To avenge my past." I created a sword, using it to push me off the ground. "To avenge my brother." I staggered a bit as I tightened the grip on my sword, before I had my other hand pull away from the wound. "To avenge my mother." I glared up seeing Blue was now stuck in the grasp of one of the hands, hearing his bones begin to crack as Stretch and Dream struggled to reach him.

I felt energy surge through my legs as I launched forward, reaching to the hand in a matter of seconds as I dragged my blade across the boney hand freeing Blue before he could be crushed. I landed, doing a front roll to soften my fall as I kept my balance, standing up straight as X-Gaster and I glared at one another. "Stupid child." He sneered as his pinpricks glowed.

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