Chapter 21

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I sat in the living room playing Mario Brothers with my white haired friend. "(Y/N)! On watching out for the turtles!" He shouted as he began to spam the jump button.

    "Don't worry I got them." I spoke as I pressed a button sending fireballs in their direction, taking them out. Eventually we completed the level, I let out a sigh in relief, leaning back against the couch. "Break time." I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes, feeling them begin to burn lightly from staring intensely at a screen for so long.

    "Want a snack?" The white haired boy questioned as I pushed himself off the couch, shoving his hands into his short pockets as he made his way to the kitchen.

    "Nah, I'm not hungry." I replied as I placed the controller down on the side table. I then stood up, stretching my stiff muscles glancing over at my white haired friend to see white bandages peeking out from the sleeve of his shirt. A frown decorated my lips, I couldn't protect him in time in order to prevent his injury. If only my abilities appeared sooner.

My attention snapped over, looking at the elevator hearing a ding as the doors swing open revealing a skeleton wearing brown clothes and multicolored eyelights with different shapes. "A .. living skeleton?" I questioned as my friend took his place by my side, glaring right at Xavier, merely glancing at the skeleton.

"Hello." The skeleton spoke warmly, waving at the both of us. I was curious, wondering how on earth he was still alive if he didn't have any organs. How does he even eat? Does he eat?  "My name is Ink." He introduced himself, using his thumb to point to his chest, a bright smile on his face.


"Don't tell him your name!" My friend snapped at me, giving me a sharp glare before turning his attention back on the two of them. The skeleton's pinpricks changed to an exclamation point and the other changed to a question mark. "What do you want, old man?" He questioned in a harsh tone, looking over at Xavier, his eyes narrowed.

"He's here to watch your final test." Xavier stated, placing his hands behind his back.

I look at him with a hopeful gaze, "Final ... test?" Does that mean this is his last experiment? Even my friend looked surprised, his shoulders relaxing.

"Come along." Xavier stated, the colorful skeleton glancing up at him before looking at the two of us while Xavier walked back to the elevator. My friend and I followed, standing in the elevator with the two of them, my friend taking my hand, squeezing it tightly as if to give himself confidence. I looked over, squeezing his hand in return.

We walked out of the elevator before following Xavier to the training room. "Enter the room." He ordered the two of us to which we complied, knowing there was no way to go against him.

We walked into the room, standing in the middle, with our backs pressed against the other. A knife formed in the white haired boy's hand, the white of his eyes turning black. It all happened within a second, we weren't prepared at all. A long spike shot out of the floor, going right through the white haired boy's body, killing him before he could even feel it. In that same moment my soul leaped out of my chest along with his own before the two collided. A scream of pain and despair left my lips as his blood decorated my clothes and half my face, I crashed down to my knees, tears running down my cheeks as I stared at his limp body just hanging there. Blood running down his body before dripping onto the floor.

"Haru!" Was the name I screamed out as a flash of a bright white, then the pain was gone and a voice whispered in my ear.

"I'm here."


    A scream left (Y/N)'s mouth as Sci began working on her burned arm with a knife at his back. He let out a squeak as the knife put more pressure on his back, "Stop hurting her." Dust growled, glaring at the back of his other self's head.

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