Chapter 1

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I blinked open my eyes, seeing a sliver light coming from the opening of the hole above. I sat up, rubbing my head as a pounding headache came to life. I heard a small hiss, looking over I see Jack, his red eyes glistening with worry. "I'm alright Jack." I say with a small smile, slightly relieved to see he wasn't injured himself. We got lucky.

I looked over towards Aliza, she was still out cold. I reached over towards her, shaking her slightly, "Aliza, wake up." I whispered. She grumbled in response, something about sleeping for five more minutes. I giggle, shaking my head, placing a strand of hair behind her ear.

I stand up, dusting myself off, before looking around. It looked as if we were in a cavern, looking down I could see a bed of flowers, shriveled up and wilted. "So this is what broke our fall." I mumbled, stroking Jack's scales as I looked away from the dead flowers to look around the cavern.

I heard a groan beside me, looking down I see Aliza sitting up, rubbing her head. I held out my hand for her to take, she took it without hesitation, then asked, "Where are we?"

I look around once more, "In a cavern I think." I notice Aliza looking at the surrounding walls of the cavern. "Don't bother, there is no way out. The walls are too smooth to climb and the veins are too high for us to reach."

Aliza looked at me in fear, "Are we stuck here!?"

I look ahead, seeing an opening in the cavern. "No, we can go that way. There has to be a way out somewhere down here." I began walking towards the entrance, I felt someone hold my hand, turning I saw Aliza with a terrified look on her face. She was always scared of the dark ever since she was born, I squeezed her hand gently, reassuring her everything is alright.

We came to a clearing or really a small patch of dying grass with a yellow flower in the middle. Aliza smiled, most likely glad to see something living down here. Then I felt her jump back in surprise as the flower turned around, showing a single green eye.

He sighed, "Another fallen human ... or humans in your case." He looked at both of us, I looked at Jack watching him yawn. Guess this flower isn't dangerous. "My name is Flowey, Flowey the flower." He introduced himself.

Aliza stepped forward, crouching in front of the flower, "I'm Aliza, this is my sister (Y/N). It's nice to meet you Flowey." I waved at Flowey, giving him a small smile. He nods in return then looks back at Aliza.

"Since you two are new here, I will teach you a few things." Flowey said, all of a sudden a teal like heart popped out of my chest while a light purple one pops out of Aliza's chest. "This is your soul. When you get into a fight with a monster your soul will appear in front of you automatically. When you move, your soul moves with you." Flowey explains, our souls then disappear back into our chest. "I must warn you, down here monsters ... aren't the nicest bunch. You must be careful, it's eat or be eaten down here."

Aliza gasped in fear while I looked at him confused, 'Monsters? So they really do exist, not to mention starving if they are willing to eat someone. Huh ... that's so sad.' I thought, looking down at my feet. "I can help you, I can guide you to the exit of the ruins. All we have to do is avoid-" All of a sudden Flowey was cut off as a green flame shot towards him, turning him to ash.

Aliza looked at the dust in horror while I began looking around, looking for the source of the flame. "Ugh what a terrible creature torturing such poor youths." Out step a humanoid white furred goat with light sickly green eyes. The gown on her was ripped and tattered, more than Aliza's gown. She snatched Aliza's hand, helping her up. "Come children, let's go somewhere safe."

I bent down, gathering up the dust, placing it in my pocket. Maybe I could make a little barriel for him later, I'm sure Aliza would join. "My name is Toriel, the caretaker of the ruins." The goat woman introduced herself.

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