A Fever

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I smiled stretching my body sitting up in my bed looking at my sweet girl. Her eyes slowly opened and I smiled at her beautiful eyes then frowned when she coughed and began sneezing. I placed my hand on her forehead. "Angel you're burning up. Let me go get the thermometer."

"Sorry, daddy."

"No my love, please don't be sorry. This can't be helped." I kissed her forehead putting on my boxers and robe covering my naked form. I took out the medical kit from the bathroom and grabbed the thermometer taking it back to my bedroom. "Alright, sweetheart let's see how bad it is." I scanned her forehead. "101.7 looks like you're staying in bed today and I'm staying home to take care of you. Now, what hurts?" She bit her bottom lip and her eyes began watering. I enjoy it when she is like this. Completely reliant on me. She usually is anyway but this way she 100% needs me. " Throat, tummy, head, nose." Her voice was in fact raspy indicating she probably had a sore throat. "Okay, I'll go grab you some stuff then you can take a bath to help bring your fever down." I grabbed the ibuprofen, Pepto, and Dayquil. I gave her the correct dosages for each. I then picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder, this is something that I absolutely love that she does. Placing her on my side and supporting her with one arm I turned on the bathtub faucet. I then felt a tug on my robe and looked at Y/N who looked pale and green. I quickly sat her on the floor and she moved over to the toilet. I held her hair away from her face and massaged her back as the emptied her stomach and belched. She began crying again and I held her tightly against me. "Shh, it's alright. My poor angel isn't feeling that well. Please don't cry." I looked over noticing the bath was full. "Okay you just relax and I will make you some toast and hot chamomile tea with some honey. That should help settle your stomach and soothe your throat."

I smiled as she kissed my cheek which was her way of saying thank you. "You're welcome, princess." You lay there and relax and i'll be up shortly to wash your hair."

"Yes, daddy."

"Good girl."

I brought up her toast and tea set them on the nightstand, and walked back into the bathroom to see her asleep. I rushed over to her supporting her head up. "Baby wake up the last thing I would want is for you to drown." I kissed her cheek smiling at her lovingly then lathered some soap in her hair and began to wash it. After a final rinse, she got out and I wrapped a towel around her finding her some warm pajamas, not just the cute ones that I put her in. Not being able to find any in her drawers and closet I grabbed a set from mine. My old pajamas from the academy. They would be the perfect fit for her and keep her warm. I got her dressed and tucked her into bed. That's when I put some vapor rub on her chest, back, and neck. "Okay my love you get some rest I'll be back in a moment I'm just going to run and grab some things from the store." She nodded her head and closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead and walked out.

Walking through the store I began looking for some high-quality chicken to make soup to help with Y/n's cold or flu until I bumped into somebody causing them to drop some of their things. "Sorry... oh Five."

" Allison." I greeted her a bit passive-aggressively. " Always a pleasure. What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Looking for chicken for Y/n. She's sick, but all of these are so small."

"I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm sure these are just fine. They're average size chickens." I then scowled at her. "I only buy the best for Y/n. It's what she deserves so it's what she gets. If I want her to have chicken soup it better be made out of the best ingredients that I can get. Otherwise, what's the point of going to an organic supermarket?" Allison nodded her head regretting she said anything. "So Y/n is still living with you then." She stated her tone turning into one of judgment. "No of course not. That's exactly why I've been taking care of her." I rolled my eyes feeling annoyed. "I enjoy taking care of her." I glared. "Okay. Well, tell her I said hi and that I hope she gets better. I'd also like to see her again get coffee or something." I smirked. "Believe me she's too weak to be seeing anyone lately."

"Oh she's that sick? You know the store by Griddys where we used to go as kids sells the best meat money can buy."

"You, could say that." She again gave me a look of concern. "Thanks for the suggestion."

"No problem Five."

I quickly spatial jumped to a register and had them scan all my items. When I got back home I started cooking. Chopping all the vegetables that she needs and boiling then shredding the chicken just how she likes then of course I boiled the noodles. Soon it was done and I walked upstairs to see her sleeping soundly. I petted her head and kissed her forehead waking her up gently. "Hey, beautiful. I made you some chicken soup. Try to eat some." I helped her to sit up. I took a spoonful and blew on it to cool it down just enough as she ate it slowly. "Tissue?" She asked. "Here you go. It's the one with lotion. Don't want your nose getting red and dry." She smiled sneezing into it and when she was done I continued to spoon feed her myself until she was done. "Movie?"

"I think that you need to rest princess." She shook her head. "Movie, please." She was doe eyed, her nose was red, and she coughed a bit. She was so fragile and adorable how could I possibly say no to my sweet angel. "Alright. One movie." I turned the TV on. "What do you want to watch?"

"Lady and the Tramp?" I smiled. "That sounds great." I clicked it and it began playing and I took my pants and shirt off and climbed into bed next to her as she layed on my chest watching the film. I felt her begin to shiver. "My sweetheart is cold. I can fix that." I spatial jumped to the laundry room holding a heavy soft blanket and put it in the dryer for about five minutes then took it out. There nice and warm. I spatial jumped again back to Y/n and found her in the bathroom crying. "How did you get in here princess." I said feeling a bit irritated that she disobeyed one of my rules. "Crawled."

"Well you know you're not supposed to do that. Why didn't you press you're little button to notify me that you needed me on my smart watch?"

"Sorry. Feel bad."

"I know you feel awful. That's why I am letting you off the hook this time, but if you do it again I will have to punish you, even if you are sick. You have a bracelet that I got you with a little button that notifies me when you need something. Even pops up little messages for you to send like walk, drink, snack, play. You just have to tap the button and I will press a color green or red, yes or no. There are no excuses. I don't want to lecture you, but I will because I don't want to punish you. So use what I give you and fallow your rules. Now why did you need to go inside the bathroom?"

"Felt hot. Water."

"You felt hot? I'm going to have to swab your throat to make sure that you don't have the flu." I picked her up off of the floor and placed her back in bed again covering her with the warm blanket hoping she will sweat off the sick then grabbed my medical supplies and got out a swab setting up everything. "Open wide." After swabbing I set it up to test and layed back down with her then put another movie on for her. "Sorry." She said again. "I know you are." I smiled and ran my hand through her hair. "I think it's time you get back to sleep." Holding her I smiled again enjoying the moment. As much as I hat to see Y/n not feeling very well with a fever I hope this lasts just for a few more days.

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