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This is some information on MY story plot so some stuff might be different then other OmegaVerses

Seconded Strongest, second gender. They are behind full blood alphas. Alphas are only 24% of the world the are some what rare especially in woman. Alphas go into a rut ever months. The rut normally last a week or two depending on the person An alpha can get others genders pregnant. Even female alphas

Full Blood Alpha's
Full blood alpha are the strongest second gender there is. It is very VERY rare to inconter one. If your lucky they might not get aggressive. These alphas only make up 1% of the world they have the same rut as a regular alpha but it's more intense.  And last a little longer. They can also transform into a wolf.  Or they can have animals features  while in human form. Basil e having ears and tails

Omegas are the weakes second gender there is. Just like alphas they take up 24% of the world there're are full blood omegas but are very rare even more rare then a male omega but a full blood male omegas is almost unheard of. Omegas go into something called heat. It is very painful towards them and last a week or two ( kinda like a female on their  period)   Omegas can get pregnant even if male. If an omega had an alpha or a crush they will still clothes blanked pillow that smell like them and make a nest.

Full blood omegas
Just like full blood alpha omegas take up 1% of the world. They also have heats but last longer. They last up to a month.  Full blood omegas will get aggressive if some messes with there pup and/or mate. They'll also get aggressive if you mess up there nest. Inter without permission, or come to close.even tho there an omega ther still stronger then a regular omega they can also do the same thing with animal futures as the full blood alphas

Betas take up 50% of the world anyone can be a beta. They live like normal people. Females will get there " period " but it's just similar to a heat. The mostly just want sex. But no as intense or as long. Only females can get pregnant if there are a beta. Betas can get effected but alphas pheromones. But can't by an omegas scent.

Mates are connected when an alpha bites down on a sent gland on the other which is also called marking.

Scent glands
A sent gland is located on the back of the next on all second genders but what makes omegas sent different is only alphas can smell them. Each second gender has its on sent which is also called pheromones.

only omega have this.  It this os a period of time where omegas go craze for sex/mating. It is very painful to an omega. The only way to temporally calm it down is to be mated my an alpha. When in heat an omega sent gets strong and can put an alpha into rut. There minds can cloud over and not remember anything that happens after the heat. It is also more easy to get an omega pregnant/knot while In heat. During a heat it is preferred to mark the omega then but if not and want it out of heat it's also fine. If an omega in  heat dosnt have an alpha/mate  the sometimes will try and mate with any alpha.

Ruts are similar to heats but only for alpha almost everything is similar. Their sex drive just gets higher. They can get aggressive if not left alone in their ruts. Most the time they only want their omega if they have one.

Knotting is were when an alpha is having sex with someone once they reach the climax they're dick will expand at the tip. This will lock the alpha and the other together while they cum. A knot can be very painful sometimes. 

Nest are little piles of soft thing that smell like an omegas mate or crush. They like to make them comfortable for them. They are very territorial with them. In an omega dosnt invite you in the. Stay always they will fight you. A nest is a safe place for them

Slick is a type of Lubic an omega produce when turned on and/or in heat. It's like their sent but its what it taste like. It just helps them be able to be fucked easily.

My way of writing
"hello" speaking
hello. Just actions
-hello- other persons thoughts ( hardly used )

I think that's all I have to explain if anyone wants more explanation on anything else in the story tell me!!

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