It started?!

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Light smut people!!

Bakugos POV

"Hell no" I state bluntly

The old hag backed up and looked at me " what they'll do you mean by that you brat!" She screams at me

" miss bakugo. It's ok really he was kind enough to bring me to this wonderful place. It would be asking to much for me to stay with kacchan." Deku stated walking up to the old hag and bowing.she just pats his head and looks back at me

" we'll the truth is we don't have anymore tents at the moment that's why I suggested he stay with you. Katsuki. " she explained to the both of us I just nodded / can't be helped. And I'm not that much of an asshole to make him sleep outside and in that tiny little tent we found him in./ "come on deku. Let's get u some new stuff." I said waving deku over to me and he basically hoped over to me.

" what are we getting kacchan!" Deku asked me in the most sweetest voice I've ever heard. I side glance him

" new clothes I'm not letting you walk around wearing that. There's to many single alphas and beets that are pervs" he just looked at me and nodded. That was the last thing spoke between us for most of the day other then little " does this look good kacchan?" Or " kacchan I want it please!" Once we finished and got back home he went ahead and unpacked his stuff and put them in the other clothes holder that wasn't being used by me.

Izukus POV:
After kacchan basically took me shopping we went back to his tent and he let me use the other clothes holder he wasn't using. So I started to unpack all my stuff and when I was done I looked over at kacchan and he was alseep. / since he's alseep can I make my nest now?imma do it/ with that thought I started to make my nest. I let my inner omega take control and make it for me. " there! All done I hope kacchan likes it!" And with that I got back control only to notice.. some of kacchans stuff was in it. What was my inner omega thinking!! /Oh no no nooo I have to move his stuff before he wakes up!/

"What will I like?" I turn around and see kacchan eyes half open looking at me .I blush and ran infront of him to cover the sight of my nest.

" nothing kacchan go back to sleep!" I frantically say trying to block is view. He sits up to look over my should but I jump on him and cover his eyes " kacchan go back to sleep!!" Yell at him

" look deku what ever your trying hide it not going to work. " and In one quick movement he was on top of me pinning me to his bed. I break out into a huge blush and watch him look over to my nest. / I didn't stop him../ " you made a nest?" I just nodded even though he wasn't looking at me " are those my clothes?" He looked down at me after asking. I just nodded again / good this is embarrassing. He's on top of me and asking about my nest./

" I'm sorry kacchan I let my omega self take care of it I didn't expect it to turn out like this" he looked back at my nest then back at me and smiled

" either way you did a good job it's a nice nest." He sat up after saying that I just smiled and sat up with him

" you mean it kacchan?" He just nodded, my omega felt happy with the compliment so I retreated to my nest and sat in it. Kacchan walked over and on instinct I growled at him.

"Wow deku calm down I'm just going sit here" he said slowly sitting down on the ground a little ways from my nest I looked down.

" I'm sorry kacchan I didn't mean to"

" deku. It's fine I know how omegas are with their nest I'm not that stupid" kacchan smiled he actually smiled at me. I felt my heart skip a beat. " can I.. can I come sit with you?.." kacchan asked a whisper like if you was embarrassed I just smiled and waved him in. He carfully got into the nest and set behind me. " it comfortably deku. Amazing job" I couldn't stop blushinand my heart rate is just speeding up. I turned around a little and looked at him

"Thank you kacchan!" He just smiled and said ' of course nerd' and patted my head.

" hey deku" I looked back up at him and made a 'hm' sound " why don't you let your features out since were alone. I just looked him in the eyes and shock my head " why not?! I'll let mine out? Fair?" I just nodded and we both let out our features/yep kacchans a wolf/ my ears went up in interest. I got on my knees and reached up to pet his ears. I barely touched them he pulled them back to his head and growled it took me by surprised and I jumped a little " sorry deku I didn't mean to scare you it's a reflex!" Kacchan said as he put his ears back up

" kacchan it's fine! Can I touch them?" He nodded and put his head down a little. I reached up again. /Their so soft!/ I looked down he's blushing a little and his tail was wagging. " kacchan your tail!" He looked over and grabbed it. And blushed a lot more.

" shut  it deku!" I just giggled / kacchans so cute!/ he looked up at me

" you tell no one about this got it?" He said in a stern but sweet voice. I just nodded and giggled. He smiled evilly

"What kacchan?" He just snicker at me then quickly rapped is hands around my waist picked me and pulled me on top of him as he laid down. " kacchan!! Let me go!" He just smirked and shook his head.. / what is he doing-/ he started to tickle me I couldn't do anything but laugh and beg him to stop " k-kacchan-kacchan haha stop please! Haha"

"Beg for mercy deku!" He laughed a little after saying that I just continue to laugh and beg. tears filling my eyes from laughing to hard

" kacchan! Please! Haha! Kacchan! Kacchan ! Kacchan please !" I couldnt stop laughing " kacchan hev mercy!!" With those words he stoped and laughed with me while I calmed down " ha' uh' kacchan, " I accidentally said that in a moan type way. /oh no! I didn't mean to do that!/ " I'm sorry kacchan I didn't mean to say it like that!" I looked down at him. He's laying down and I'm straddling him with my hand on his chest. / he's hot../ I caress his chest without thinking / he's so built. I wonder what he would look like shirtless.. izuku! No stop it your gonna get your self in trouble if you continue to think like that!/ I snap out of my thoughts when something poked me I look at kacchan and he was blushing a lot wait what's still poking me? I went to look back but kacchan stoped me

Katsuki POV:

/fuck the noises he made. We're like laughter and moans.. then when I stopped.. he basically moaned my nickname.. he made me hard and I know he can feel it.. I have his face in my hands his lips are a little parted and still breathing hard.. fuck/ I bring his face closer to mine. My eyes flicker from his to his lips and once I looked back into his eyes I could feel his breath on my lips. His eyes did the same thing like mine did..
/should I do this?./ before I could come up with an answer I brought his lips to mine.they were indeed plump and soft. I moved my hands down to his waist. My hands fit perfectly. After just kissing back I forth.I licked his bottom lip asking for permission which he gave to me quickly I slipped my tongue in his mouth. He didn't even fight for dominance/ he's starting to get hard.. and his body is burning up./ I push him back a little. He tried to get more but I held him he didn't look ok. /Wait wanting more kisses. Body getting hot. Weird look on his face./ I sniffed the air. /Sweet,/ his eyes hold lust in them. He went into heat! Fuck!

Word count - 1430

What will happen in the next chapter 😏 who knows!!

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