I want pups

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Warning this one gets sad-
Izuku's POV:

I woke up snuggled into kacchan chest like normal but for some reason I didn't feel too good. I know I wasn't sick and it wasn't my heat. Am I sad? I kept thinking about it for a while till I heard kacchan growl and mubble to stop. / stop what? Am i mumbbleing?!/ i asked myself but kachan said yes i blush and hide my face in his chest. His grip around my waist tightened. I smiled and cuddled more into him taking in his scent. We layed like this for a couple more minutes till kacchan got up saying he needed to make breakfast. As he was in the kitchen I was sitting in the living room still thinking about the way I felt this morning.

" It's like the feeling I get after my heats because I didn't end up pregnant. Even though kacchan knotted me a lot, he was always wearing protection." even saying that made me whimper giving me the answer on why i felt weird. I sighed kinda angry at my omega now he's the one making me feel this way. I got lost in my thoughts about all of this for who know how long

" Deku, hey come on, breakfast is ready" kacchan said, tapping me on the shoulder. I got up and went to the kitchen. / he cooked something different than normally./  i was thinking and kacchan finished my thoughts"  i went shopping yesterday that's why i wasn't home. I got some new ingredients, more stuff for your nest and then as you saw a new bed frame and bed with some new blankets." I nodded, taking a bite of the fluffy waffles and syrup on my plate.

"WOW kacchan these are so good!" I moaned out stuffing my face again. He shook his head and looked like he was laughing but it didn't sound like it at all. I continued to compliment and stuff my face full until we were finished eating. I offered to wash the dishes. He agreed to that while he went up and made sure all the extra pillows and blankets were ready for me to start a new nest. Once I was finished I put the dishes away and looked around at the kitchen and living room. I sighed and started to clean up the rooms. Dusting stuff off fixing some of the vases that were already here. Once the living room and the kitsch looked brand new. Yes it took me about an hour for both. I looked around smiling at myself. I stood there for a minute then looked down and saw that I self-consciously put my hand on my stomach as if I was pregnant. " What is going on with me?! " i screamed

kacchan came down the hallway with a panicked look on his face. He reached me and started to ask me" what happened, are you ok?!" he said looking me in the eye seeing such a panicked look on his face made me cry. " No baby please don't cry'' he said, bringing me to his chest hugging me tight. I continued to cry. I slowly stopped crying and he pulled away enough to see me " deku what happened?" he asked me i looked up then back down. I got out of his arms grabbing his hand and taking him to our room.

I sat him down and stood in front of him. He was looking up at me worried filled his eyes." kacchan." I said low and looking everywhere but his eyes. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes"kacchaniwantpups!" I said in a quick manner that i didn't even if it was words.i opened one of my eyes to see him looking at me confused. I took another deep breath " Kacchan.. I want pup." said softly looking in his eyes. He smiled lightly. He grabbed both my hands in his squeezing ever so slightly. His eyes were full with some type of emotion that i couldn't really get out.

" deku." he said, slowly getting up. He pulled me closer. Our hands still locked together at our sides, our chest close to touching " I would love to start a family with you." he said, smiling with a small tear running down his face. I reached up, wiping it away feeling the scruff on his face. I went onto my tip toes and kissed him. We stood there staring into eachothers eyes and smiling for a couple of minutes till his dropped. I raised an eyebrow at him " are you sure? I mean yeah i helped you with your heats yes we are dating. But we haven't known each other for very long." he said i backed away tears filling my eyes / does he not love me like i thought he did?/ i asked myself " but deku that doesn't mean i don't love you ok? I love you so much you mean everything to me." he said. I was still crying. Why am I so emotional today?/ I asked myself i was lost in thought so at first I didn't feel kacchan hug me till I heard him whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I relaxed into his warmth and listened when he started to speak again.  " i love you so fucking much. Lets just date for a couple more months then we can have little yous and mes ok?'' I nodded and sighed into his collarbone. I could smell his scent, it was strong but i wanted more.

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