New enconter?!

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I woke up to the sound of nothing.. /oh right.. I left home last night../ I get dressed and open my tent. It looks early " let's see what all I brought." As I lock through the rest of my bag I only see some uncut fruit. Waters and picture of me and my mom when I was only six years old.. /I wish we could go back to those days. But we can't/ I look up and into my tent. I'll straighten up and then walk around to see if I can find anything around here!

" I'll put this here then I'll put all of these over here. These will go next to my badly made nest.. I should fix that up. I start to move all my clothes and pillow around into specific place./ thank god I grabbed my bag of extra stuff for my nest./ once I was done I sat back and looked around my small little tent and smiled / perfect./ I turn around and crawl out a little just to hear some stuff in the forest. I look over and see nothing " I'll just come back and sit in my nest for a little till I feel safe to come out.

Bakugo POV:

God these extras are already getting on my nerves.. I look around " guys will you quiet down a little we're getting close "

" Bakubro do you smell that?" Shitty hair says sniffing the air around us. Everyone follows his lead and smells the air. " I can hardly smell it since I'm mated and marked. But it's kinda sweet but that's all" he says after looking around the group.

" I can smell it to kiri!" Dunce face say very energetic.

"Of course you can! Your an omega and the person must be an omega!" Raccoon eyes replies. I just stood there stunned. / an omega? Why would an omega be out here and alone.I can't smell any alpha pheromones./ I look at the rest of the group and see them looking at me

Shitty hair comes up to me and taps my shoulder " you good bro?" I just nodded my head. But that just didn't make sence in my mind.

" I'm fine let's get going the campsite should be up a little ways." Everyone nodded and we continued to walk. After what felt like hours it was only a couple of minute but the whole time my mind was being blown up with question about this so called omega out here. Maybe there noses are broke there's no way. We reached the campsite.

" woah! This is a nice place to camp at! The trees the nice flat ground! The smell! It's perfect for a picnic!" Dunce face yells. 

I look at him " shut up!"  After yelling at him he shut up real quickly. I walk a little closer to the tent an look around.. " they had a little fire last night." I look back at the tent. " hey guys. Do you think there here?" I look over my shoulder at them.

" probably not they would have probably come out of there tent by now." Insomniac freak points out to us.

I look back at the tent. " imma look in it. Maybe I can see or smell something to find out. About them" without wait for a response I crouched down and popes the tent only to see.. HIM

Izuku POV:

" woah! This is a nice place to camp at! The trees the nice flat ground! The smell! It's perfect for a picnic!" I hear someone yell.. I back I little more into my nest and just wait to see if anything happened. After someone said that I heard a deep and raspy voice yell shut up. Someone started to walk closer to my tent and stop right in front. / oh no.. please go away../ I heard that same deep voice ask I'm guessing the other person I heard.. "" hey guys. Do you think there here?" /wait "guys" there's more then two?! This can end up bad./ I sniff the air and smell five sents. One smells like a Carmel and fire wood. / I like that it smells comfortable./ another one smells like lavender. But something else different. /They must have a mate/ I sniff again and get a smell like an earth sent mixed with something/ another mate/ Cotten candy. Was another smell that hit me./ four people?!/ oh wait - I also smell. A rain like smell that one also seem comfortable. /So five, five people../ after smelling all of those I heard a voice. Responding it sounded tired "" probably not they would have probably come out of there tent by now." Was what the person said. I watched the person in-front of my tent get low to opening./ oh!no! no!!/ The tent oped to revile someone one that looked. Hot. Muscular body, abs, sticky blond hair. Scarlet red eyes.

Word count -822-
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