Just walk around already!

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(Bakugo POV)
!Also- this takes place of the day that izuku decides to run away!

It's about to be 12:30 I've been up and hunting since 6:00 but what can I expect? My parents are the lead alphas of our pack and I'm a full blood alpha so that's a lot already. I've gotten used to this hunting stuff though. I look up into the trees and just see the sunlight. I don't hear anything around. So I take this aportuity to go back to my human form. But since I'm hunting I keep my tail and ears out. " that's a lot more comfortable" I whisper to myself .

I continue to walk for a while still not getting any hints of food. I mean I've already killed two bucks. And there not small so it's enough to get the whole pack fed at least. I look up into the sky and notice that it's starting to get dark. I sigh and  turn around to walk back to the pack.
Along the way I pick up on a very sweet smell. I try to ignore it but a little voice in my head keeps telling me to follow the trail and find the scourse of such sweet smell. I do as I'm told and slowly fallow the trail. Only to be brought to a camp site.

" hmm.. has this always been here? I mean my pack is a couple of miles west of here. I think I would have noticed it." I speak to nobody in particular. /I'll come back tomorrow when it's day./ I think to myself as I shift to my wolf from and take off running finding the bucks on the way home.

As I said back at that weird campsite the pack was only a few miles away so I made it home in no time. As I push open the door of a wooden hat the soronded my home I was immediately met with shitty hair and his mate raccone eyes along with soy sauce and insomniac
" Bakubro!! Welcome back!" Shitty hair yells at me and ruffles my ears. I pull them back against my head and growl. He got the hint and took his hand away from me super quick. I turn back to my normal self no ears or tail. I pick up both the bucks I have killed and throw them over my shoulder. " let's go fuck wads and get dinner set for the whole pack"

-Time skip-brought by nothing interesting happing in the meal prep -

'/these are probably my best hunts this year so far./I hear my self say inside my mind while I focuse on finishing my plate.
" so brat. How was the hunt today?" The old hag asked me. She's been nagging at me a lot recently.
" it was fine.. I did come across a campsite though. I think I'm going to go check it out in the morning." Suddenly everyone stoped and looked at me. " what?!"
" Are you sure that's a good idea?!" Someone from the pack yells at me " I don't think it is so take someone with you like kirishima " someone else states.
"Yeah son I think you should take someone with you. You don't know who it is or how they'll react" the old man said agreeing with everyone. I look up from my plate and start him in the eyes
" No what if they react badly and try killing us? I'm not putting my pack into trouble. End of discussion people" with that everyone went back to eating. In the corner of my eye I see the old hag eyeing me. /Oh boy.. here we go/ I thought to my self.
"Katsuki Bakugo. I would like to talk to you after we eat." I look up at the old hag and just nodded. There's no point in trying to argue with her when she says my full name. 
- Time skip -
(Also! Since katsuki's live out in the forest they live in like a village of tents. Basically everyone has their own tents. Except kids under the age 16. These tents are decent size enough space for a family of four. If that makes sense to y'all. )

I walk into the old hag and old man's tent to see both of them standing in-front of the opening. " what did you need I'm tierd and I want to go back to my tent."

The old hag just huffed and looked me straight in the eyes. " katsuki. I know you've been hunting on your own since you were 13 but for heaven sakes. You can not just go to some random campsite that shouted up out of no where!! We all now these parts especially the Bakugo family we built and made this village to alway outcast. They look up to us." She took a pause and inhaled rather deeply. " so you will take kirishima and his mate"

" WHAT?! Why should I take them?! They are annoying and will get in the way!" I yelled back at her. And with one look it made me shut up. Because I know that look

" I didn't ask you to. I told you to. End of discussion. Now go to your tent and get some rest and be prepared for anything tomorrow."

And with that I stomped out of there tent and went to mine. /stupid old hag. Making me take them with me. They'll just get in my way!/  after ranting in my head I sat down in my bed and looked around my tent.. /my parents always thought I would have a mate by now so they gave me this huge ass tent for it.. wait what is this feeling?! Do I- do I feel lonely?! No no no I'm imagining things. I don't need a mate I'm fine alone./ with these thoughts in my head I could hardly sleep..

"Go.. Baku..BAKUGO!!" I jumped up off my bed ready to fight who ever was in my tent. " bakubro!!" Nevermind I know who it is.. " BAKUBABE!! I groan to my self and slowly turn around.
" shitty hair. Raccoon eyes." I growl out to them " why are you in my tent and why are you waking me up so early!" Neither of them budged a inch.

" because balubabe. We need to get going! I'm excited we haven't went out the walls together in forever!" Raccoon eyes jumps up and drown I guess out of excitement. "Oh! Also denki and his mate are coming along!" Dragging my hand across my face and groaning I make eye contact with her

" and who invited them to tag along because I sure as hell didn't!"

" because bakubabe. We're a friend group sero would come if he wasnt looking for a mate still."  As she said that she had her finger point up to the sky and the other on her hip.

"Whatever.." I managed to growl out and started to wash up and brushing my teeth. Once I was done with all of that I grabbed my cape and walked out of my tent the shit heads following right behind me .

As we're walking through town people would smile and wave at us.. /the old hag wasn't messing around with the conversation last night. / We continued to walk through the village till we got to the gate to see dunce face and his mate waiting for us. " alright let's get this going." And with that being said we started to leave our little village.

Word count -1258-

I hope this was good and so was your day or night.!

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