Oh crap-

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Bakugo POV:

I opened the tent to see a green haired person. I scan him from top to bottom. Curvy. Freckles deep forest green eyes. Green fuzzy ears Fluffy green tail tho it is pretty long for a rabbit " wow" I mumbled.

"Bakugo! Are you ok?!" Someone from the group yelled. But all I could do was stare at him.well until someone shoved me.

" your so cute!" Dunce face yelled. As I set up and looks at this person I noticed that he was trembling a little.

" dunce face calm down your scaring him!" I yelled at him then locked at the green haired person

" your one to be talking all you do is yell and look at yourself then him your like 2x his hight." Insomniac says while walking up and crouching next to his mate." No reason to be scared ok? We won't hurt you. What's your name and how old are you?"

"Ok. I-I'm I-izuku midoriya I'm 17 y-years old.." he said in a shaky voice. He ended up locking eyes with me again then instantly looking down. / he's kinda cute.. wait! He's a stranger bakugo get that thought out of your head now!/ I shake my head to get the thoughts out.

"Bakubro" shitty hair said coming over  and tapping me " you good and what's going on?" After asking he looks into the tent a little " aww your cute little rabbit!.. wait rabbit. I though only alphas and those features? Well a full blood alpha does.. so how does this person have them to bakugo? He doesn't look like an alpha." Shitty hair said looking back and forth between the two of us then stopping and looking at me

" my guess is he's a full blood omega.. those are rare.. more rare then a male omega." I say as I examining the little rabbit in front of me.

"WOW!! He's so cute I wanna hold him!" Raccoon eyes comes running over and pushing all of us out of the way. " HI! I'm Mina Ashido! And the red haired alpha over there is my mate Eijiro Kirishima! The sleep purple haired one is also an alpha his name is Hitoshi Shinsou his mate is the blonde with the black lightning bolt. Oh and the angry looking Blondie over here is Katsuki Bakugo!" While she said my name she hugged me and smiled at the green person.

" he said his name is Izuku Midoriya. He's 17 so about our age." Insomniac says looking at her then :izuku:

" izuku baby. Why are you out here alone we're your alpha?" Raccoon eyes said looking around. He mumbled something but none of use heard him. " what was that?"

" I-I said that I don't h-have one." He said still pretty low but we heard him.

/ wow he dosnt?/ " then why are you out here alone?" I asked this little rabbit has gotten my attention now.

" I ran away from my mom." He looked up at use then back down.

" oh sweetly..we'll. You can't stay here!" Raccoon eyes spats out

" Please don't make me go back!! I beg you! I can't go back please don't make me!" He said look up at use with teary eyes.

Raccoon eyes goes into the tent and sits near his nest. " that's not what I meant! You ran away for a reason. But it's dangerous out here so I meant you could go back with us and see the pack!" She said reassuring him.

" really? You mean it?! Thank you so much!!" He screamed and jumped on her and hugging her.

/why does she get to make the decision! I'm the leader not her/ " you never asked for my permission raccoon eyes!!"

" come on bakubro look at him. He's small you know damn well he won't last out here." Shitty hair says backing up his mate.

" I don't care! It's my decision and I say no! We don't even know him!" I said I could feel my body heating up with rage.

"Bakugo! He's coming with us and that finale!" I just looked up at raccoon eyes like she was crazy.

" excuse me?! I would li-" I was in the middle of my sentence when a small voice interrupted me

" please mister let me come with y'all just for a couple of nights at least please." Stupid deku begged me. / deku? That his name./

I looked over at him" fine I guess you can come along deku." He looked at me confused and asked what I meant by deku. " that's your new name deal with it." I said very bluntly.

" bakugo that's rude" insomniac says staring at me I just stared back

" I don't care it's his name now." I said and walking away to sit next to the put out fire pit.

After a couple of minutes of him packing his stuff away he comes out of his tent and looks at all of us. " I'm ready." He said looking down.

"Great let's get going" I just rolled my eyes as raccoon eyes jumps around. He just gives her a small smile.

" ok shit head let's go." I said getting up and walking over to him. " give me your bags I'll carry them." He just looked at me and shook his head.

" your already giving me enough to let me stay with y'all. I'll carry them on my own thank you though" I just looked at him the snatched the bags from him. / wait why am I even carrying his stuff? I don't know this asshole!/ with that thought I started walking and everyone followed along.

" you know! Me and denki are omegas as well. We're not full blood but still omegas we have a beta in our friend group but he's currently not with us." Raccoon eyes said behind me. I just rolled my eyes and continued to walk.

" that's good that explains why the two of sleep pretty comfortable! You smell like Cotten kinda and earthy some I'm guessing the earthy smell is your mate.. kiri?" He said responding to here

" YEP that's my mate!" She said excitedly I can just imagine her smiling and skipping a little.

"Speaking of smell who's the one that's like Carmel and fire wood? I really like it! It smells so good and comforting! I would gladly love to be dented by them!" Deku rumbles on about that smell- / wait! That's mine! Eww no you little creep stop it! Leave my smell alone!/

" be- Baku..Bakubabe!!! Hey did you hear that!! Izuku likes your smell!! That's so cute!"

I turn around and face her " raccoon eyes.. I heard you and him. But if you scream in my ear one more time your mate will have to save you!" I just stared into her eyes but not even a flick of fear resided in them.

" oh bakubabe! You wouldn't touch me! You love me so much!" She taps me on the shoulder and continues to skip to our little village. I look over at shitty hair and he just shrugs at me.

Word count : 1182
Another chapter done! Yay! I'll try and update as much as I can but I have school and colour guard also so please be patient with me!

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