Chapter 7

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My lungs felt like they were being roasted inside my chest, it was so painful, but I couldn't bring myself to stop running. I needed to run the rage and pain away. The emotional pain was overwhelming, I couldn't handle it, I needed it to be physical. I used to cut my thighs when I was younger, but quickly realized that was a way to get caught. Mom saw my thighs and the fresh marks and she lost it on me. So, that is when I turned toward exercise, no one can self-harm when it is under the guise of being healthy.

I wanted to scream, but the gym wasn't empty yet, and the last thing I wanted was to let the crazy be on the outside. I had my loudest and most angry playlist going, I drowned the thoughts as best I could. I felt the treadmill jolt and begin to slow. I looked toward the hand that had interrupted my rage run, I'm sure my face was not holding a very friendly look. It softened when I saw my dad holding the emergency stop key. I removed my headphones as I got off and grabbed a towel and dabbed the sweat from my face and neck.

"You good? You've been on this thing for about 2 hours straight, that's not really healthy did school go?" Dad had a worried expression as he handed me a bottle of water. I gulped some down before I sat and looked at him.

"School It was just a long day, dad. I'm fine. Just needed to run some energy off. That's all." I said, "Dad, I promise I'm fine." I smiled at him, I knew it didn't hit my eyes, but he sighed and nodded.

"Okay, I got a couple of open fights for you. If you are ready. I have one with a couple of new guys, pretty green around the gills, not many women fighters around here. But I do have someone from around here that has been waiting for a fight that is 'up to his standards' and I think you are very much up to his standards." He explained with childlike excitement.

"Oh, I am most definitely ready to get back in the ring. Who is the guy with 'high standards'?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Dane, he is very picky," he rolled his eyes before he continued, "Anyway, I think you could give him a run for his money and also humble him."

I cocked an eyebrow at him, "Why?"

"Because I have full faith that you," he began and pointed at me, "can kick his cocky ass." He finished with a grin across his face.

"When?" I asked as I got up and stretched my arms and legs.

"This friday, we'll make it your introduction fight. 'King Sal takes on Great Dane' it will be fantastic." He said, as he waved his hands in front of him.

"Wait, his boxing name is Great Dane?" I asked with a laugh. My dad started to laugh with me. Once my laughter died down I told him, "Friday works for me, I'll be ready."

"You won't pull another stunt like today or you will be kicked out until you can show me you can be safe. Got it?"

"Yes sir, I'll keep my rage running to myself." I said with a salute.

"Save the rage for the ring." He told me, "Now go shower and change, you smell like death."

I stuck my tongue out at him before I walked into the locker room. I thought about what my dad said. If I was going to start to fight again, then the rage should be able to subside and not pop its ugly head out more than it needs to. The hot water felt great against my sore muscles. Today took too much out of me, I wondered how I was going to get through the next few days. I thought about the self portrait I was supposed to do for art class. I felt a mix of emotions. Rage. Guilt. Pain. Shame. That assignment scared the shit out of me. I could lie and do a simple self-portrait, but I know that wasn't going to cut it. Mr. Ryan would see right through it. When he saw my sketch he had made a tutting sound.

"Miss Chambers, I want you to show the real you. I want to be able to look at this and think 'yes, this is Salena Chambers' so please show me who you are." Mr. Ryan's words stung and made me recoil.

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