More Than I Could Have Dreamed Of - Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham

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⚠️ Mentions of blood but nothing graphic, fighting
Anything in italics is a flashback


That was the first sound that registered with Chrissy in the first few moments of her opening her eyes as she slowly woke from her slumber. In her sleep fogged brain she wasn't quite awake enough to register exactly where in their small home the giggles were coming from only that they weren't in the same room as her. She was alone in hers and Eddie's shared bed, the soft sheets brushing over the bare skin of her arms and legs as she moved to sit up. Leaning against the headboard as she let her eyes float around the room, sometimes she still found it hard to believe that she was here with Eddie, married and a baby, well toddler, she was three years old afterall.

Looking back she'd always thought it would be Jason that she'd be here with now but if it hadn't been for that fateful day in the woods out the back of the school, she wouldn't have gotten to know Eddie. Still to this day she thanks whatever God there is up there that she met him that day knowing that he saved her in more ways than one. And it wasn't that Jason didn't love her or make her feel loved even, it was more that she had to pretend to be someone with him, to fit in with his and everyone else's ideals and to be honest it was exhausting. Whereas with Eddie everything was easier, with him she got to explore more of who she was without judgement and somewhere along the way she fell in love with him.

Her eyes land on the picture of the two of them on the bedside, Eddie's eyes bright with laughter and there's a smile on his face to match. His arm is thrown around her shoulders and her expression mirrors his except she's looking up at him, her eyes full of admiration for him. The picture made them look like a dream couple, only it hadn't always been easy for them..

"You making eyes at my girl freak" Jason spits out, coming to a stop in front of Eddie his hands pushing forward into Eddie's shoulders as he pushes him back against the lockers. Eddie's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden contact but he doesn’t look scared.

"Course not Carver she's far too good for me anyway" Eddie shrugs but makes no attempt to hide how his gaze has fallen on Chrissy yet again. Though instead of being met with bright eyes and a pretty smile as he usually is, he finds her brow furrowed and a worried look in her eyes as she bites her bottom lip nervously as she watches the two of them, feeling so conflicted in her feelings towards the two boys currently fighting over her.

"As you should" Jason agrees, stupidly believing that Eddie meant his words until he realised that Eddie was no longer listening to him and that he was in fact staring at Chrissy.

In a moment of blind jealousy he pulled his arm back, hand curled into a fist as he swung forward, fist coming into contact with Eddie's cheek. The force of the hit sent his head backwards into the lockers with a crash leaving Eddie stunned and with the blood rushing in his ears, Jason just about registered it over Chrissy's scream.

He made to turn to her only Eddie had other ideas, after collecting himself from Jason's attack he launched himself forward, body connecting with Jason's hard and knocking them both to the floor. They landed in a heap of tangled limbs but Eddie was on top and using his leverage to keep the other boy pinned, Eddie returned the favour, his own fist coming in contact with Jason's nose resulting in a sickening crack. He'd definitely broken Jason's nose but he didn't care, the prick deserved it and as he pulled his arm back to land another blow to Jason's face he felt his body being pulled backwards off of Jason.

Looking to see who had grabbed him he found a couple of the basketball team with their hands clamped around his arms and he struggled in their grasp to try to free himself because if it was going to turn into all of them against him, and it wouldn't be the first time it had happened, then he certainly didn't want to be restrained. He'd about managed to free himself when Jason had pulled himself up off the floor, wiping some of the blood that trickled from his nose on the back of his hand as he took a step closer to Eddie.

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