chapter 14- 012.

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We wait a while and these cars pulls up.
"Shit!" Dustin says.
"Go go!" Lucas says.
We all hide.
"You think they saw us?"
"Both of you, shut up." Mike whisper yells.
This man in a suit opens the bus door but someone knocks the guys out then, we see it's the sheriff.
"All right, let's go.. let's go!" The sheriff says.
We all grab our shit and follow him. He drives us to wills house and after a few minutes we get there.
"Mike? Oh my god mike! I was so worried about you!" Nancy says.
"Yeah uh.. me too?"
"Is that my dress?" She asks looking at El.
"Yeah, sorry about that." I say.
We all sit down and explain what happened. Mike uses the acrobat example to explain the upsidedown to them.
"Ok so, in this example were the acrobat. Will, barbara and that monster, they're this flea. And this is the upsidedown where will is hiding. Mr. Clarke said the only way to get there is through a rip of time and space.."
"A gate."
"That we tracked to Hawkins lab." Lucas says.
"With our compasses.. ok so the gate has a really strong electromagnetic field and that can change the directions to the compass needle."
"Is this gate underground?" Hopper asks.
"Yes." Eleven says.
"Near a large water tank?"
"H- how did you know all that?"
"He's seen it."
"Is there anyway that you could.. that you could reach will? That you could talk to him in this-"
"The upsidedown."
"Down. Yeah."
Eleven nods yes.
"And my friend Barbara? Can you find her too?"
"But there's one thing.." Mike says.
"Eleven is the best way to contact Barbara but when it comes to will-" Lucas ads.
"Y/n is the best option." Dustin says.
"Why y/n?"
"Because i can communicate with him."
"Isn't eleven the one with powers?"
"Yeah but.. i have some too. I've contacted him before. Joyce, remember when you were talking to will in the wall?"
"How did yo-"
"I was there. Not physically but i was. I don't know how but i got into this black void and i could see what was happening and i could see will. I was trying to talk to him too.. that's why he also called out my name towards the end."
"Y/n.. can i just check something? Alone?" Eleven asks.
We both walk to wills room as the others wait in the living room.
"What's up?"
"Give me your hand."
"Ok.. - i say doing so. She begins to take off my gloves that i was using to cover up my cuts.- w- what are you doing?" I say quickly hiding my arm.
"Y/n.. did you do that?"
"Uh.. it's nothing ok? It's not important."
"You can trust me. I won't tell."
"Fine.." i say showing my arm once again to her.
"Did you but makeup on your wrist?"
"To cover some scars up, yeah."
"Can I take it off?"
I nod yes.
She gets makeup removal and takes the makeup off of my wrists revealing and old tattoo that i have had sense i can't even remember when.
"012.." she says reading what's on the tattoo.
"Yeah.. i dont really know why i have that. My parents found me on their doorstep when i was like five and i already had that tattoo. They say it's from my birth parents, that they think they were abusive but i don't know. I guess that would explain why I don't remember my life before them.."
"You're number 012?" she asks with tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry i don't understand-"
"My tatto says 011.. it comes from the lab. The bad men did this. I always wondered where you were.."
"Don't you remember me? The lab? ..papa?"
As soon as she says that i start to get some flashbacks.
I remember bits and pieces.. the lab, how they treated us, i remember eleven.. the bad men..
"Holy fuck.. i think i remember some of it now.."
"You escaped the lab somehow."
"That man.. the one that was chasing us.. thats-"
"I knew i recognized him!"
"Is everything ok in there?" We hear Joyce ask.
"Yeah! Look, can we not tell them about all of this yet? I'm not even sure i fully understand what's going on i just need some time then we'll tell them."
"But.. friends don't lie?"
"We aren't lying.. we are gonna tell them just not yet ok?"
"Let's go back there before they suspect something."
I put my gloves back on and we walk back to the living room.
"Here is a photo of barb.. if that helps." Nancy says to El.
We put the photo on the table and eleven sits down on it after putting the walkie in static mode.
She starts trying to communicate or find barb and the lights flicker then, she opens her eyes.
"I'm sorry.." she says visually upset.
"W- what's wrong? What happened?"
"I can't find them."
Eleven goes to the bathroom to recompose herself.
"Whenever she uses her powers she gets weak."
"The more energy she uses the more tired she gets."
"Like, she flipped the van earlier."
"It was awesome."
"But she's drained."
"Like a bad battery."
"Well, how do we make her better?"
"We don't we just have to wait and try again."
"How long?"
"I don't know."
"The bath." El says coming out of the bathroom.
"I can find them. In the bath."
Like the tank..
"Do you need like a sensory depravation tank?"
She nods.
"I'm gonna call Mr. Clarke, he might know how to create one." Dustin says.
He calls him and writes his instructions down."
"Ok now all we need is salt. Lots of it."
"How much?"
"1,500 pounds."
"Where are we gonna find that much salt?"
"The school, in the kitchen." Hopper says.
"Isn't that stealing?"
"And aren't you the sheriff?"
".. yes."
We get in the car and go to the school, then we steal all the salt it has.
Me, Dustin and Lucas go to the schools gym and make a pool using an old pool that people have to put in they're backyards and such in the summer. Soon, Nancy and Mike get here with the hoses and fill the pool with water while hopper and Jonathan pour the salt in. Once it's ready we put the walkie on static and eleven get ready to go in.
She gets in the pool and lies down on the water, once she starts using her powers the lights flicker.
"Barbara." El says.
She starts breathing heavily and the lights flicker again.
"What's going on?"
"I don't know."
"Is barb ok? Is she ok?"
"Gone.. gone. Gone-" she says crying
"It's ok it's ok sweetie."
"Gone! Gone!"
"It's ok we're right here it's ok i got you. Don't be afraid. I'm right here with you. It's ok. It's ok your safe."
She sits up and takes the mask off signaling it's time for me to join her and try to find will so i get inside and we both start using our powers to find him.
Suddenly, I'm in the black void again but this time i see eleven next to me.
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yes." She responds.
We focus on will and then the castle byers appears Infront of us.
"Castle byers." We say to everyone while walking closer.
We step inside and see will. I immediately starts crying at the sight of him.
He looks so sick and cold.. at least he's alive and breathing.
"Tell him im coming tell him mom is coming to save him." We hear Joyce say.
"Your mom is coming."
"Joyce is coming.. just hang on will.."
"Hurry.." he says.
"Ok. Listen, you tell him to stay where he is. We're coming. We're coming ok? We're coming, honey."
"Just hold on a little longer."
"Hold on will.." just as i say that he and the castle byers starts fading away.
"Will? Will?"
"Will I- -he fades away before i can even finish my sentence.- i love you.."
Me and eleven start crying with fear and just like that, were back in the bathtub.
"Ok i got you it's ok i got you." Joyce says hugging eleven and calming her down.
"Y/n it's ok look at me I'm here we're here your safe now ok? Will is gonna be ok we are going after him." Dustin says comforting me.
Hopper and Joyce go and save him and we wait in the school.

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