chapter 34- new host.

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~in a dream~
Me and will are Infront of the now destroyed castle byers. I came here to check on him after his argument with Mike.
"It's okay will, you can trust me." I say, trying to comfort him.
"I know, thanks y/n." He says, now making eye contact with me.
"Will.. can i tell you something?"
"I really like you.. like like you as more than friends."
"Oh.. sorry but i don't feel that way about you. I'm not even into people like you. That's just weird." He says with i slightly disgusted face.
"Oh.. I'm sorry i shouldn't have said anything forget about it-"
"I should go.. and just so you know, i would never like you like that. I mean even if i was gay you wouldn't be my type your annoying most of the time and your not even pretty."
"Yeah.. i get it. I'm sorry. Can we still be friends?" I say with tears in my eyes.
"I don't know.. I'm sorry i have to go."
~end if dream~
I wake up and immediately curl into a ball and start crying. It was just a dream. It wasn't real.
I really hope i didn't mess things up almost kissing him last night.. i don't wanna loose him over something's stupid like that.
I start shaking and my breathing gets shakey.
Why am I like this? Why couldn't i just be normal like everyone else and just like girls? I mean I'm just disappointing everyone in my life. I don't deserve to be here. If only I could change who i am..
I get my razorblade and notice I've run out if space on my arm since it's already full of cuts. I just decide to do it on my upper arm.
After i cut myself more than 10 times i put my razorblade back where i hide it and bandage my arm.
It's now about 10am and my walkie talkie goes off.
"Y/n, do you copy? It's mike." Mike says through the walkie.
I groan and ignore mike, not wanting to deal with it right now.
"Y/n, it's will, we have a code red. Can you come to Mike's place?"
"Is everything ok?" I ask.
"Yes, just come over please."
"Alright ill be there in a few minutes. Over and out."
I get up and change into some clean clothes.

i make sure it hides my arm and bike to Mike's place

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i make sure it hides my arm and bike to Mike's place. I get there after like four minutes or so.
I park my bike and walk into his house.
"Oh, hi y/n. The boys are downstairs." Mike's mom says.
"Hi Ms. Wheeler, thanks."
I get to the basement and walk over to the guys.
"What's up?" I say.
"Oh hey, you're here! The girls are in their way but Dustin isn't awnsering us." Lucas says.
"He's probably with Steve."
"Well let will explain everything when the girls get here ok?" Mike says.
I go sit on the couch and will sits next to me.
I sit next to y/n but i don't know what to say after yesterday. I mean, we almost kissed! Or was it just my imagination? What do i even say in a situation like this? 'hey, i like you. Sorry you had to see me destroy castle byers and cry like a baby.'
Ugh. Why is this so hard? I wish I wasn't awkward like this.
"Hey." I say trying to act cool but i can tell my face is bright red right now.
It's funny that even with all of this weird stuff happening, when I'm with y/n it feels like the old days when we didn't have to care about monsters and stuff.
"Hey, um about last nigh-"
He gets interrupted by the girls walking over to us.
Shit. I'll just try to talk to him later.
We all sit down and will starts explaining the situation.
"I didn't think it was anything at first. I mean, i think i just didn't want to believe it.. the first time i felt it was at day of the dead. (The movies)" will explains.
"Power went out that night too." Mike points out.
"And then, i felt it again at the field near nelson farm the next day. Then again yesterday outside castle byers."
"What does it feel like?" Max asks.
"It's almost like.. you know when you drop on a roller coaster?"
"No." El says.
"It's like.. everything inside your body is just sinking all at once, but.. this is worse. Your body, it goes cold a- and you can't breathe. I've felt it before. Whenever it was close."
"Whenever who was close?"
"The mind flayer."
"I closed the gate."
"I know but.. what if it never left? What if we licked him out here with us? -he goes get a paper to demonstrate what he's talking about in drawings.- this is him. All of him. But, that day in the field, a part of him attached itself to me. My mom got it out of me and eleven closed the gate. But the part that was still in me, what if it's still in our world? In Hawkins."
"I don't understand. The demodogs died when El closed the gate. If the brain dies, the body dies."
"We can't take any chances. We need to assume the worst. The mind flayers back."
"Yeah. And if he is, he'd want to attach himself to someone again. A new me." Will says, holding my hand for comfort.
"a new host."
"How can you tell if someone is a host?"
"We look for the signs. Anyone who has been acting strangely these past days. Someone who avoids direct sunlight and doesn't like the warm weather. We have to look for those types of signs."
"Billy." Eleven says.
"My brother, billy. He's been acting weird.. well, weirder than normal. Maybe we should check if he's the host."
"Let's go then."
We head to the public pool where billy works at as a lifeguard.
We get there and spy on him from behind some cars.
"I don't know, he looks normal to me."
"Normal? How many times have you seen him with his shirt on?"
"I mean it's a little weird."
"More than a little. He was in a tub with ice. The mind flayer likes it cold. Plus everything else."
"But he's lounging at the pool, wich is like, the least mind flayer thing ever."
"Nit necessarily. The mind flayer likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It's like.. you're dormant. And then, when he needs you you're activated."
"Ok, so we just.. wait until he gets activated."
"No. What if he hurts someone?"
"Or kills someone?"
"We can't take that chance. we need to find out if hers the host." Mike says, walking away.
"Where are you going?"
"I have an idea. Boys only."
"Just trust me in this one!"
We, the boys, walk into the men's room at the pool.
"Okay, so we wait until the pool closes. Until everyone leaves and we somehow get him to come from here and get him into there." Mike says opening the sauna.
"Hey, shut the door!" This old guy who was in the sauna says as mike shuts the door.
"I think i just threw up in my mouth." Lucas says.
"And look, the controls are right here. It's perfect."
"Will it get hit enough?"
"220 degrees. We just have ti figure out how to get him in here."
"Then lock him in.. heat him up."
"No matter what happens, well know. Well know for sure."
"Ok, let's do it."
We start setting the trap up.
It's later in the night and everyone left besides us and billy. We get his attention by talking loudly to him and luring him into the sauna, then when he gets in eleven throws him against the wall as we close the door and lock it with chains and a metal tube.
Me and eleven Stan Infront of everyone ready to use our powers if needed. Billy starts trying to break through the lock to get out.
"Max.." he says.
"Do it." Max tells will. He does as she says and turns the heat up.
"Max! Let me out of here! Let me out. You kids.. you think this is funny? You kids think this is some sort of sick prank, huh? You little shits think this is funny?! What is this? Open the door. OPEN THE DOOR! Open the goddamn door!" Billy stops talking and falls to the ground, groaning in pain.
"We're at 220." Will says checking the temperature than walking back so he's behind me again.
Billy starts crying. I never thought that would happen.
"It's not my fault.. it's not my fault. It's not my fault, max. I promise you, it's not my fault."
"What's not your fault billy?" Max asks, walking over to the door to talk to him.
"I've done things max. Really.. bad things. I didn't mean to. He made me do it ."
"Who made you do it?"
"I don't know, it's like a shadow. Like a giant shadow. Please max."
"What did he make you do?"
"It's not my fault! Okay? Max, please. Please believe me max. It's not my fault! I tried to stop him ok? I did. Please believe me max. Please believe me."
"Billy, it's going to be ok."
"Were gonna help ok? You just have to talk to us ok? You have to talk to us." Max says, crying.
I notice will grab the back in his neck like he does when he feels the mind flayer is here.
"I feel him. He's activated."
"Max get away from the door."
"Get away from the door!"
Billy breaks the glass little window in the door and tries to hit max.
"Let me out you bitch! Let me out! I'll fucking gut you!" He takes the metal tube out of the door so now it just has the chains locking it. Lucas grabs his slingshot and throws a stone at his head, making billy fall down.
"Max, come on!" Lucas says as she comes over to us.
The lights start flickering and billy gets back up. We can see black veins through his body almost as if the mind flayer was an infection. He starts to try and break the chains to get out.
"He can't get out can he?"
"No way. No way."
After a few tries he breaks it and is now standing directly Infront of us.
"Will, get behind me!" I say as i pull him closer to me and not directly vulnerable to billy.
El uses her powers and puns him against the wall with a weight bar, choking him. After a few seconds he's able to push it away and towards her so she falls down trying to dodge it but luckily i use my powers in time and stop if from hitting her. However, he walks up to her and grabs her by the hair. Then, he starts choking her.
Mike grabs a metal bar and hits him, making him drop El.
"Go to hell you piece if shit!"
Billy gets up and starts going over to Mike to fight him.
El tries to use her powers so i decide to help her since she's still out of breath.
Me and El make him float and throw him across the brink wall, making a whole in it and billy fly across the other side.
Almost immediately after that will runs over to me and hugs me.
"It's ok will. I'm ok." I say.
He just hugs me tighter in response.
We go check in billy but see him running away.
We all go back to Mike's place ti stay the night.
Mike sleeps on one of the ends of the couch and Lucas sleeps on the other. El shares a mattress with max and i share a mattress with will.
Everyone is asleep now so i try to also fall asleep but i feel will wrap his arms around my waist, hugging me.
"You ok, will?" I ash, whispering.
He nods yes in response.
"I just fell safer like this.. it's it ok?" He asks shyly.
"Of course it is idiot~" i say, turning around to cuddle with him.
After a few minutes we fall asleep.

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