chapter 35- monster.

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I wake up still cuddled up with will. I get up trying not to wake him up and see the rest of them are awake and talking silently on the couch.
I walk over to them and sit next to max.
"You two looked cute back there." Max says with a smirk.
"You guys told her?" I ask, wondering why she was acting like that.
"They didn't have to. It's so obvious even El caught up."
I just blush at the comment.
"Ok whatever. It's not like anything would even happen between us anyway."
"Hey guys." Will says waking up and walking over to us.
"Hey will. We were just catching y/n up. We decided to let eleven try to find out where hopper is. We were gonna ask y/n to also use his powers but El said she could handle it. Maybe he can help us with this." Mike explains.
"Oh, ok."
We sit around El and she blindfolds herself so she can concentrate better.
"I found him." She says after a few minutes.
"Where is he?"
"Woods?" Lucas says.
"He's with.. wills mom."
"My- my mom?"
"What are they doing."
"Ill.. annoy. They're going to ill-annoy.." she says, having a hard time pronouncing that word.
"Mike! Breakfast!" Mike's mom shouts from the kitchen.
"Not now mom!" He shouts back.
"Damn bitch, if i ever talked like that to my mom she'd slap me so hard I'd land on Mars." I say sarcastically.
"Illinois? Illinois like the state? The state of Illinois."
"Ill-annoy." She says, shrugging in response.
El and max go to the bathroom to clean up the blood from els nose.
"Something's not right. I can't get hopper off my back all summer now all the sudden he's hiking with wills mom to Illinois? And Dustin's MIA too? I mean, this can't be a coincidence."
"What does it matter? The bottom line is, they're not here. It's up to us."
"Up to us to do what exactly?"
"Find billy and stop him."
"Ok, yeah that's a really nice sentiment but even if El and y/n could find him again and that's a pretty big if, then what?"
"We burn the shit out of him and make sure he doesn't escape this time."
"Okay, then what?"
"Then we win."
"No! Sheet, that's the problem. We don't. We don't win. We got the mind flayer out of will before and he just came right back. We don't just have to stop billy. We have to stop the mind flayer."
"How in the hell do we do that?"
"I don't know."
"Maybe El does."
"True cause I've got no idea."
"What are they still doing there?"
"I don't know. Girls just like hanging out in bathrooms."
"I don't know."
"They're probably just talking."
"They're conspiring against me."
"Here we go.."
"That's what you're concerned about now?" Will asks.
"It's not my main concern. It's just a sub concern."
"I thought it was already over."
"It's not over, ok? Were just taking a break."
"She said she dumped your ass. That doesn't sound like a break."
"Thank you!" I say, glad somebody agrees with me.
"It wasn't! You guys realize we can still hear everything you're saying, right?" Max says from the bathroom.
"Conspiring. I told you, they're conspiring."
Someone knocks in the basement door.
"Not now mom!"
"Mike, open the door!" Nancy says.
Mike let's her in so she walks over to us with Jonathan.
They start explaining what's been going on with them at work.
"It was the same thing. The exact same thing that happened to will last year. And look at this. Look at the body temperatures."
"He likes it cold."
"Okay, so this crazy old women who was eating ferlilizer-"
"Mrs. Driscoll."
"Right, yeah, Mrs. Driscoll. What time was the attack?"
"Last night."
"Right but what time last night?"
"Around nine."
"You waited all night to call?" Jonathan asks.
"I was waiting for the doctors to run some tests."
"You weren't there?"
"Well, I'm here now aren't i?"
"Hallelujah.!" Nancy says sarcastically.
"Ohh." Lucas says.
"Damn Jonathan, what did you do?"
"Um, só, wha- what time was your.. sauna test?"
"Around nine." We all say.
"Well, that proves it. That proves my theory!"
"She's flayed, just like billy."
"The mind flayer. He Flay's people. Takes over their mind. Once they do that they basically become him."
"If there are two flayed-"
"We have to assume there are more."
"Heather. -El says.- billy was doing something to her. She was scared. She was screaming. Bad screams."
"What's a good scream?"
"Max said-"
"Doesn't matter."
I laugh a bit at the comment.
"Sorry. It's not funny."
"I'm sorry I'm lost, who's heather?"
"She's a life guard at the pool."
"Heather Holloway?.. tom.. let's go. Get in the car."
I have no idea what's going on but i follow them to the car. Everyone sits down leaving no room for will, mike and i so we go in the trunk.
We get to this house and walk over to the front door. After ringing the doorbell a few times eleven opens the door with her powers and we walk in.
"Tom? Heather? Jesus it's freezing. Do you guys smell that? -we see some chemical trash onthe kitchen wich explains the smell.- more chemicals."
"You think they're guzzling this shit?" Jonathan asks.
"Yeah, either that or they just went in a hell of a cleaning spree."
"But last year will didn't eat chemicals. Did you?" Max says.
"No. This is something new."
"Mr. Clarke, faith grade. Posit. What happens when you mix chemicals together?" Mike says.
"You create a new substance." Lucas and will say.
"What if they're making something?"
"In themselves? I mean, c'mon if you drink that crap it'll kill you."
"Yeah, if you're human."
We walk over to the dining room and see blood on the floor.
"Blood.. yesterday, tom had a bandage on his forehead. -she picks up a bloody wine bottle.- he was attacked."
We follow the trail of blood that leads to this room with some ropes on the floor.
"They must've tied them. They must have taken them somewhere."
"Mrs. Driscoll. She kept saying i have to go back. What if the flaying is taking place somewhere else? There must be a place where all this started, right? A source."
"Somewhere he didn't want me to see." El says.
"If we can find the source then maybe we can stop him. Or at least stop it from spreading or doing whatever the hell he's doing with those chemicals."
"How do we find it?"
"Mrs. Driscoll. If she wants to gi back so badly why don't we let her?"
We get back to the car and drive to the hospital to go see her. When we get there we walk in but the lady who works there at the desk stops us.
"Excuse me, where do you think you're going?" The lady asks.
"Oh um. I'm just going to visit my grandma again. And this.. this is my family."
"Extended." Lucas says.
"I don't care who they are. You know the rules only two visitors at a time."
"Yeah b-"
Nancy and Jonathan go to the elevator to go see Driscoll and we wait for then downstairs.
Me and will sit down on the chairs but mike comes over and asks us to let him and El have a moment so we get up and sit on the corridor floor.
"So.. about that night at the castle byers.." will says.
"Yeah I'm sorry about that.. i- uh.. shouldn't have done anything."
"No, no it's fine. I just feel bad about the way we left it you know. I didn't want you to think you did something wrong or anything like that."
"What do you mean?"
Suddenly wills mood changes and i can see the concern on his face.
"Y/n.. the lights." Will says, noticing the lights flickering.
"Oh shit. Guys?" I say getting their attention.
We stand up and look at the lights and will puts his hand on the back of his neck like he does when he feels the mind flayer around.
"He's here."
We go to the elevator but it's not working so we go up the stairs after Nancy and Jonathan.
We run up the stairs and once we get to where Nancy is El uses her powers to break through the door.
What we see inside that room is Nancy in the floor cornered by this monster.. but it's not like any Demogorgon or anything we've ever seen before.. this is way, way worse.
"What the f-"
Eleven throws it against the walls and i use my powers to push it out of the window, falling from the building.
"Nancy!" Jonathan says going over to her while we run back downstairs. Once we get there we see the monster melted into a some sort of gross looking puddle and it's going into the sewer by the sewer drains.
"What the fuck was that shit!?"
"I think I'm gonna throw up."
"Will, are you ok? Is it gone?" I ask.
"Y- yes.. he left now.. but he's going to come back." He says on the verge of tears from fear.
"Come here." I say hugging him. This time I'm the one who came running to him. I just want all of this to be over.
He hugs me back and after that we all meet up and go to wills home.
We decide to sleep so we have the energy to try and kill that monster tomorrow.

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