chapter 28- close the gate.

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"it's not like it was before, it's grown. A lot. And i mean, that's considering we can get in there. The place is crawling with those dogs." Hopper explains.
"Demodogs." Dustin corrects him.
"I'm sorry what?"
"I said uh, demodogs. Like Demogorgon dogs. You put them together, it sounds pretty badass-"
"How is this important right now?"
"It's not, sorry."
"I can do it." Eleven says.
"And i can help!" I say.
"You're not hearing me."
"I'm hearing you. I can do it. And i can teach y/n to do it too so we have more strength."
"Wait.. y/n, you can get into wills mind right?" Joyce asks.
"Yes, why?"
"Can you stay here and make sure he's ok while they go to the gate?"
"I could, i don't know if el-"
"It's ok. You can stay here. I can do it and youre new to this you could get hurt." She says.
"Ok. Ill stay here then."
"Look, even if El can do it, there's still another problem. If the brain dies, the bodies dies." Mike says.
"I thought that was the whole point." Max says.
"It is but if we're really right about this.. i mean, if el closes the gate and kills the mind flayers army.."
"Will is a part of that army." Lucas points out.
"Closing the gate will kill him."
"There has to be another way no way I'm letting him die." I say.
We all walk over to where will is laying down.
"He likes it cold." Joyce says.
"It's what will kept saying to me. He likes it cold. We keep giving it what it wants."
"If this is a virus and will is the host, then.." Nancy says.
"Then we need to make the host uninhabitable." Jonathan says.
"So if he likes it cold.. we need to burn it out of him."
"We have to do it somewhere he doesn't know this time."
"Yeah, somewhere far away."
"We can use my place. Where I live with eleven." Hopper says.
We get some stuff to take to the place like heaters and other things, put them in the car and carry will to the car.
Jonathan gets in the driver's seat, Nancy sits next to him and me and Joyce are with will in the backseats.
"Y/n.. thank you for helping us so much. I never realized how much will meant to you. Just know that we're really happy you're here with us." Joyce tells me.
"Oh, it's ok you don't have to thank me. I'd do anything for him. He's my friend."
"Yeah, i agree with Joyce, I'm glad we have one of the two most badass people with us." Nancy says.
"Yeah well, eleven is badass for sure but i wouldn't think I'm at her level to be honest."
We make our way to the cabin. Once we get there we take the stuff out of the car and start walking to the cabin. Jonathan is carrying will.
We get there, i open the door with my powers so Jonathan can be the first to get in and put will down.
"It's actually kinda nice." Nancy says, after walking into the cabin.
"Well do it here." Joyce says, walking to a spot near the fireplace.
We get a bed and set it down near the place and place will on it so he was somewhere to stay that's comfortable during all of this. We tie him up with some ropes so he cant run away while we're getting the mind flayer out of him.
We get the place ready.
"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Jonathan asks.
"This thing has had will for long enough. Let's kill this son of a bitch." Joyce says.
"Ok, I'm gonna try to contact will."
"Do you need anything?"
"No, i got this."
I sit down and close my eyes. I start to concentrate on will while they turn the heaters and fireplace on.
After they're done setting everything up i get into the black void.
I look for will for a while but i can't find him while he's unconscious.
"Wake him up." I tell them.
After they wake him up i start looking for him again and soon i see him.
I walk closer to him. He's in the same hospital clothes and in the same room i was just in, tied up on the bed. However i know that whatever he says now it's not the mind flayer because I'm in HIS mind.
"What's happening?" He says, freaked out.
"Will, hey I'm right here-"
"Y/n! I'm so glad it's you. Why am I tied up? Where am I?"
"Look, everything is gonna be ok. Trust me." I say, kneeling next to the bed he's in.
"It hurts! It hurts! Make it stop!"
"Im so sorry will. I promise it's gonna be over soon okay? I promise. Just.. hold my hand ok? I'm right here with you."
He holds my hand tight, shaking from the adrenaline.
Tears start falling down my face at the sight of him.
"Hey it's ok. It's ok. Just try to take some deep breaths ok? If anything happens I'm here to help you."
"It burns!"
"I know.. just a little longer ik? We're trying to help you. Can you take it? Your family is also here just try to breathe."
"Ok.." he says in pain.
"He's here. I'm with him." I tell his family.
I hear Jonathan panicking in real life.
"Mom it's not working look at him! Mom!"
"Just wait!"
"Mom how much longer?! You're killing him!!"
"He's still here. It's gonna work, don't turn it off." I tell them.
"What's happening?! It's burning!" Will screams.
"Will i can't explain to you right now but you're gonna have to trust me. Do you trust me?"
"Y- yes!"
"Then hold on a while longer."
Black vains start to appear on his throat, almost as if the mind flayer is getting ready to get out of him.
He starts choking and convulsing in pain then he's able to let one of his arms free and tries to untie the rest.
"Will! Be careful please!"
"I can't he's making me do it!"
I get this horrible headache that forces me to snap of of the transe.
I open my eyes and I'm back to reality. Once o look over at will i see the huge shadow get forced out of him and we know that has to have been it so we quickly turn all of the heaters off.
My noose is a bloody mess and I'm lightheaded at this point but i still manage to go to will to see if he's ok.
"Will, baby wake up! Please!" Joyce cries out.
"He's still here." I say.
He slowly opens his eyes and regains consciousness.
"Mom?" He says, in a tired voice.
"Oh thank god!"
Joyce and Jonathan hug him and i walk over to grab the walkie talkie.
"We need to let hopper know.. it's over." I say, but I'm too weak to do it myself so Jonathan grabs it.
"Close it. Close the gate." He tells hopper.
I sit down on the ground and try to regain some strength.
"Thank you y/n."
"No problem."
"Y/n?" Will says, realizing I'm also here.
"Hey will." I say going to hug him.
"Thank you." He says while hugging me.
"I'm just glad you're ok."
"I knew i was gonna be ok. You were there."
"I missed you."
"I missed you too.. a lot."

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