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Noah's sleepless nights were usually product of years worth of trauma that had yet to be unpacked. In fact she refused to talk about her emotions with anyone ever. Most times she completely ignores their existence. 

Tonight however, Noah couldn't sleep for another reason. 

After years of learning things from online programs, and her mother's not so great attempts at high levels of math, she was being sent to a school. Not just any school, but a fancy smart people high school.

Noah was stressed, by tomorrow she was going to be surrounded by way too many teenagers.

"Can't sleep?" a knife whisked by, inches away from Tony's face, "Sorry." Noah apologized quickly, "You startled me."

Noah took another spoonful of the vanilla ice cream she was previously eating, "And no, I can't sleep. You're sending me to a building where I am going to be surrounded by teenagers. So many teenagers, Tony!"

"You're a teenager, Noah." he deadpanned.

"They're going to eat me alive, Tony!" she exclaimed, "Do you know how many high school movies I've watched this week? Teenagers are brutal!"

"You're going to be with Peter, I'm sure he'll make sure they don' you alive." Tony stated, "Are you kidding me, Tony? Peter is this innocent child-"

"He's a year older than you," he said as matter of factly, "I could kill you before you even blink," She threatened, "Peter is innocent. I am an assassin."

"Former assassin." Tony corrected, "Does it matter? I'll never fit in with those people."

"Look, if you hate it, and I mean absolutely despise it. I won't force you to to there, I'll set up online or something because your mother will have my ass if you aren't getting an education."

Noah frowned, "Fine. Whatever."

"And you said you wouldn't fit in." Tony smirked, "I will punch you, Stark." she threatened loosely. 

You see, Noah had become close with Tony over the years, there were very few people the girl trusted. In fact, she could count the people she truly fully trusted, on one hand.

Natasha, her Mama.

 Tony, Nick Fury, and Clint Barton.

"Tony, you're not just sending me to Midtown to keep an eye on Peter are you?" Noah inquired, an eyebrow arched.

Tony swore the fourteen year old was just a younger version of Natasha.

"I mean that's not the only reason why I'm sending you there..." he trailed off, "You my friend are also incredibly smart, and against your own beliefs you'll probably fit right in at Midtown."

A small smiled pulled at Noah's lips, and Tony narrowed his eyes at the girl, "Don't let any of my words go to your head."

"What? You mean the fact that you said I'm incredibly smart?" she smiled, "Too late."

Tony rolled his eyes, "Noah, I'm going to be greatly mature, and send you off to bed, so that you don't look like a zombie on your first day."

"You?" she set the empty bowl in the sink, "Being mature? I simply can not believe my eyes."

"Goodnight, Noah."

"Night, Tony." she smiled briefly, before slipping out of the kitchen nearly silently.

Noah's nerves were simply ridiculous, she had dealt with a lot worse than this. She contemplated, calling Mason and flying out to wherever the hell her mother was, just so she wouldn't have to be here.

"What are you doing?" Noah turned to look at Peter, "I'm avoiding entering this building at all costs."

"Noah, come on, you'll be fine." Peter declared, and Noah glared at him, "This is high school! Completely new territory for me! I will not be fine."

"Come on," Peter pushed Noah forward slightly, "Let's go."

Of course, even the walk across the very short amount of pavement almost ended up with Peter and Noah being plowed down.

"What's up Penis Parker?" 

Noah lunged forward, and Peter grabbed her arm, "Violence is a no go on your first day."

"That is ridiculous! He could've run us over." Noah shook her head.

They walked through the doors of Midtown High, "Do you want me to walk you to the office?"

Noah glanced around, at the students the swarmed the hallway, "Nope, I've got it."

"Are you sure?" Peter asked, looking for any uncertainty, of course Noah has spent years masking her facial expressions so he didn't find any.

Noah pushed and shoved through groups of teenagers, she already hated all of this, and it all became worse when she ran into none other than an extremely smiley girl, wearing a cheerleading uniform.

"Sorry, that was my bad," the brunette quickly apologized, and Noah kind of just stared at her. 

"Are you seem lost." 

Noah debated on whether or not to admit the fact that she was a little bit...just slightly lost, "You don't happen to know where the guidance office is, do you?"

"Yes I do," she smiled, "I'm Maddie," she held out her hand, and Noah accepted it, "I'm Noah."

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Noah. I'm assuming you're new?" Maddie asked as they walked down the hallway, "Unfortunately."

"Midtown is great, I'm sure you'll love it," Maddie tried to reassure the girl, "It's high school, I don't understand what my...uncle's reasoning is behind sending me here. I've done online most of my life."

"Well, I'd say you're doing pretty well, in fact you already have a new friend." Maddie stated, "Do I now?"

"Yup, me." Maddie smiled, "Oh and in case you were wondering, I do not associate with the other cheerleaders...I just had to do something to make my mother happy. Definitely not a first choice."

"Good to know," Noah nodded, "Well here we are, don't be a stranger,"

Maddie was about to walk away when Noah stopped her, "Actually, if you wouldn't mind waiting a minute, could you help me get my first class?"

"No problem." the brunette smiled.

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