
409 22 31

March, 2018

Wanda flew down be side them quickly taking a knee beside Vision, "Are you ok?" he winced in pain, "What is it?"

Vision was breathing heavily but still got his words out, "He's here."

Noah's heart dropped, it's thudding becoming louder in her ears, "Everyone on my postition, we have incoming."

Noah moved over leaning her weight off her leg, and more into Natasha, "What the hell?"

The large purple giant appeared from a cloud of dust and lightning, Noah pressed her lips together nervously, "In case this goes sideways, I love you." Natasha whispered.

"I love you too."

"Cap." Bruce spoke, "That's him."

"Eyes up," Steve moved forward, "Stay sharp."

Noah's heart rate speed up as Thanos tore through the Avengers like they were nothing. The teenager had a sinking feeling that this wasn't going to end well.

For anyone.

"Mama." Noah stated, "I'm gonna try it. We have no other choice."

"What?" Natasha's eyes snapped towards her, "I almost lost you the last time you did that."

"I'm sorry."

Noah inhaled deeply focusing her energy on Thanos, more specifically his brain. The red haired girl squeezed her eyes shut, and soon enough an image began to reveal itself around her.

"You're stronger than you look child."

Thanos' voice startled her, and she balled her hands together hoping to hide how much they continued to shake.

"I'm not a child." Noah spat.

Noah looked around, this wasn't what she would expect his brain to chose as a pocket dimension. Everything was lush, and the sun was setting slowly, oranges and reds painted across the sky.

"You're curious about where we are." The titan spoke, Noah didn't answer, "This is what will happen when I win. Things will become lush, no one will starve. This is my act of mercy, and the universe shall remain grateful and peaceful."

"Grateful?" Noah asked incredulously, "You think people will be grateful finding that you slaughtered, their loved ones? You really are sick."

Thanos looked at her almost pitying the girl, "And you aren't?"

Noah's eyebrows pulled together, "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Does the name Leena ring a belle?" Thanos taunted and Noah didn't respond, "She was four years old when she became an orphan."

Noah bit her lip hard enough that she drew blood, "You killed her parents. Left her completely alone in the world. Just as you shall be."

Noah knew she shouldn't let the titan anger her, that's how she'd end up breaking concentration. That's how he would break free of this pocket dimension.

"I really wish you could see why this is needed," Thanos spoke, "I mean we'd make quite the team, Ashe."

"Don't you ever call me that." Noah instructed lowly, "And I would never be on your side. You're a monster."

"Aren't we all?"

That's what pushed Noah over the edge, the titan reached her within four steps, Wrapping his hand around her throat, she gasped and struggled for air, and within seconds her world went black.

Noah almost passed out into her mother's arms when she found reality again, "I...I wasn't strong enough." she coughed.

"It's okay, you're okay." Natasha whispered brushing Noah's hair away from her face, and holding her close.

"We have to stop him." Noah tried, "It's okay just stay right here," Natasha helped her to the ground, "Just breathe, Sweetness, breath."

None of them were strong enough. A silence fell over everything once Thanos got all of the stones.

Before he could snap though, he was blasted back by a strike of lightning. Their last hope. Thor's axe ripped through Thanos's torso, and Thor more worried about revenge landed right in front of him.

"I told you," Thor pressed against the axe, "You'd die for that."

Thanos cried out in pain, as the axe embedded further into him, "You should' should've gone for the head."

The gauntlet came together, and a quiet snap seemed to echo through the forest, "What'd you do?" Thor shouted, and without answering Thanos disappeared the same way he appeared.

"Where'd he go?" Steve panted, holding his side, "Thor. Where'd he go?"

"Steve." Bucky's voice cut through the air, as he began to fade into dust, crumpling to the ground.

Noah let out a soft gasp as a sink feeling built up inside of her, "Mama. I'm not ready to die." a tear slipped down her cheek as her legs began to fade away, "Я люблю тебя, детка" she rushed out quickly.
(Translation: I love you baby)

Noah's world slipped into darkness.

This was her end.

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