Chapter 6

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It's great to know that Cobalt, Monty, and I have the same homeroom together. I glanced at my schedule again, I'd most likely continue to do this all day considering that I have no idea where I'm going.
1st Hour: 8:30-9:30 Homeroom-Mrs. Lanigera
2nd Hour: 9:35-10:35 Chemistry-Mr Jackal
3rd Hour: 10:40-11:40 Calculus-Mx. Meles
Lunch: 11:45-12:15
4th Hour: 12:20-1:20 Art 2-Mrs. Aves
5th Hour: 1:25-2:25 Botany-Ms. Zen
6th Hour: 2:30-3:30 English101- Mr. Lupin
Was that Cobalt's dad??? I hurried up behind Cobalt and tapped on his shoulder and asked, "Is Mr. Lupin your dad?"
Cobalt winced and let out a deep sigh, "Yes... that's my dad, let me guess, English101."
"You don't sound that excited," I said while trying to walk between a few other students.
"Trust me, living with him isn't the greatest, but being in his class isn't that great either."
"Is there something wrong with having your parents as your teacher? My mom used to substitute teach at my elementary school and she used to eat lunch with me all the time and give me two cookies at snack time."
Cobalt glanced at me with an expression that read: you're not helping, he replied, "Yeah, this is different, my dad used to grade me harshly and for no good reason."
"What was his reason?"
"He wanted to teach me a lesson," Cobalt said while entering Mrs. Lanigera's class. He sat down next to Monty at a small rectangular table in the back, just enough room for three people to sit. I made my way inside and went towards the seat and-
"Is this seat taken?" I overheard a sweet and innocent voice from the seat I was going to.
"Drama on the first day back," Cobalt started.
I stood horrified and confused, who was this girl and why was she trying to take this seat next to Cobalt.
"I just wanted to know if this seat was taken or not," she said through a smirk, "because it never is."
"In fact it is," Monty stepped in, "This is Mac and that seat belongs to them." Monty's face filled with triumph as he guided me to an empty chair. I smiled nervously in response.
"Well, I'm Bonnie O'Hare, very nice to meet you, um, what was it again?" The pink bunny sarcastically introduced herself to me.
"Mac," I replied shyly. I can tell that this bunny doesn't want to make friends with me.
"Well, if you need me," Bonnie paused, waiting for...something, "I'll be over with my friends." Bonnie turned around and made her way over to another table that was relatively close to our's, I wonder why she chose to sit two tables over. That's when I realized Toni was also sitting at the same table with Bonnie and a mouse that I didn't recognize.
"So, what's the deal with her?" I asked Cobalt while I took out a small piece of notebook paper.
Cobalt didn't say anything, he just stared off into the distance, he looked grim and slightly upset. Was it something Bonnie had said to him? Is it because of his dad? I started to write out the names of all the people we had met here so far, just to keep track of who everyone was.
"What'cha writing there?" Monty chimed in.
"Well, I want to write down who these people are, but-" I was interrupted.
"Do you need me to help!?" Monty asked, "I can help!"
The bell rang loudly, I watched as Cobalt's ears fell flat on his head, this time he looked a lot angrier and even more upset than he was a minute ago.
"Cobalt? Is everything alright?" I heard a calm and caring voice from behind us in the doorway, "Would you like to go down to the counseling office?"
Another sigh came from Cobalt and he finally spoke, "Yeah, I guess." He stood up and walked over to the teacher's desk, that was the same calm voice I heard earlier, this must be Mrs. Lanigera.
Mrs. Lanigera is short and full of knowledge, like an old book that someone has devoted their life to, she's a chinchilla with a heart of gold. Perhaps her most distinct trait is her long tail with a little bit of fuzz at the end. She wears a lot of flowery themed dresses, it's almost like the Spring Fling Dance of '89 never stopped. She has eyes like a hawk, which is funny because her glasses cover 90% of her face. I reckon she could take me down in a fight. Monty scribbled down in my notebook.
Monty surprisingly is very devoted to writing, I thought. He really does pay attention to detail and is great at making analogies.
"Cobalt and I are writing a script for a sci-fi movie," Monty began, then whispered, "Cobalt says he's not the greatest at acting, but, I disagree."
I whispered back, still trying to pay attention to Mrs. Lanigera, "I had no idea Cobalt was into acting."
"His mom used to be a radio host, I reckon, that's where he gets it from."
"Used to be? What does she do now?"
"Well, you see-" Monty stopped abruptly, I watched as he covered the left side of his face, "Sorry, green alert."
"Green what!?" I gawked. That's when I met Bonnie's piercing green eyes, she was staring at Monty from her table. I think I now know what he means by a "green alert."

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