Chapter 15

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"Mac dear, what are you planning on wearing to Mrs. O'Hare's get together next week," Hazel asked, "You too Cobalt."

Cobalt was texting Monty and laying on the sofa with his paws propped up, he groaned at the thought of having to wear nice clothing.

"And get your paws off my sofa, I don't want to have it cleaned again," Hazel said and tapped on Cobalt's paws.

Cobalt walked past me up the stairs as I walked down them holding a yellow and white striped polo shirt and some nice blue jeans. I set down my outfit on the kitchen table along with a pair of black tennis shoes. I've never really worn fancy clothing, I think the last time I wore fancy clothes was at Aunt Hazel and Uncle Hubert's wedding, then at their court case when they got divorced. Hazel never had any children with Hubert, but they still visited each other. Aunt Hazel always described her love for Hubert like this, "It just never worked out between him and I."

Cobalt came down from his room, which was the guest bedroom upstairs and put down a white button up shirt and some brown dress pants.

"Can you wear a tie at least," Hazel started, then handed Cobalt a sky blue tie, "Blue seems to be your color."

Cobalt begrudgingly took the tie and added it to his pile of clothing. He then set down a pair of black boots and his black suspenders on the table.

"What are you going to wear, Hazel?" I asked.

"I'm going to be wearing this," Hazel said while holding up a pale yellow, floral sundress and a big hat to go with it.

"So, the theme is yellow and blue?" Cobalt spoke up after Hazel made her arrangements.

"Blue for the men and yellow for the women, Mac convinced me to have them wear yellow and blue," Hazel replied, "I think it's a beautiful combination.

I watched as Cobalt stared around the kitchen, yellow littered every square inch of the room. Hazel had a knack for making rooms be themed around a certain color. The living room was green, the kitchen was yellow, my room was crimson and white, the bathroom was blue, and I'm not sure about Hazel's bedroom or the guest's bedroom. Hazel was especially picky when she went shopping for furniture and clothing, Clove even commented on this in one of the diary entries.

Hazel likes to keep things one color, one color per room, unless it is an accent color. The kitchen is a great example of a 70's inspired house gone wrong, yellow wallpaper, mustard yellow and brown decorative tiles, pale yellow curtains. I find that the kitchen gives me a headache, at least the cabinets aren't as bad as the wallpaper in the living room.

"When we go to the get-together, remember that I want you two to act on your best behavior," Hazel commented, "I need to leave a good impression and you two know, reputation is everything."

That last line stung like a thousand bee stings, I know what one bee sting feels like, but this felt like that bee sting times a thousand million! I watched as Cobalt winced as well as I did, we made sure to do that while Hazel was turned around, cooking some nice pasta primavera. My phone buzzed.

Bonnie<3: 4:48 "So, have you two picked out what you are going to wear?"

Bonnie<3: 4:48 "Mac?"


Mac: 4:50 "Jeez that was a bit of an overreaction."

Bonnie<3: 4:50 "I'm not being overactive, I'm stressed okay!"

Mac: 4:51 "What's wrong Bonnie"

Bonnie<3: 4:52 "Well my mom is yelling at me again because I brought up the party and how Cobalt shouldn't be on the guest list and then she asked if I was lying about him cheating on me."

Mac: 4:53 "Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that. Is there anything I can do about it?"

Bonnie<3: 4:44 "I'm afraid not, just text me what you two are going to wear and remember the theme is blue and yellow."

I flipped my phone over and gazed at Cobalt and his handsome deep blue eyes then my eyes trailed up to his ears. I then asked, "How did you get your ear torn?" Cobalt perked up his ears then slowly lowered and so did his back into a slouch. I could tell this wasn't going to be as exciting as I imagined it would or maybe even worse.

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