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The year is 1989, spring has finally sprung and most high school students are eager to get out of class, but as most high school experiences, the best way to end the school year is to have one giant dance. This was the Spring Fling of '89.

"George wait up," class troublemaker Conall Lupin called after goody two shoes, George Summerwood.

"I've been waiting for you all passin' period, we're going to be late to English 101, come on!" George called back to his friend.

"Hey George, hey Conall," a friendly, young Mrs. O'Hare spoke up, she was walking with the soon to be Mrs. Lupin the First.

George turned around to see Conall gazing back at Lovell Wolfsbane.

"I think I know who you are taking to the Spring Fling," George teased, then sounded annoyed, "now come on!"

"Can it! Worm!" Conall shouted back, he was much shorter and much leaner than George was, but like most of the Lupin boys they tend to fill out when they are older, considering that Conall is only 18, he would need less than six months to get to the typical height of a wolf, 6 feet.

The two walked side by side and entered into their English class, Conall sat next to a young Mrs. Lanigera who had her hair feathered for the Spring Fling and she wore a bright spring green dress with a floral pattern that took your eyes off of her face. George took a seat away from Conall, these two always ended up in the principal's office after school, mainly because they were talking in class or Conall had written something nasty about Mr. Jackal on the bathroom walls.

"Sooo, Conall, as head of the student council, I was wondering if you were going to purchase a ticket for the Spring Fling?" Lanigera asked behind her huge glasses, then added, "I know you and Lovell have become inseparable!"

Conall rolled his eyes and sighed, "It's a secret for a reason."

"I can't help, but notice you two lovebirds sitting together at lunch and talking during passing period," Lanigera added.

"Who Lovell or George," Conall couldn't help, he let out a snort of laughter.

"Why? Are you? You know?" Lanigera asked in a whisper.

"I dated his sister, geez," Conall retorted, "besides, he's my best friend. I don't want to ruin that."

Lanigera stopped asking questions and focused on her English essay. It was one of the last weeks of the school year, which meant that classes would be having finals and if that wasn't stressful enough the student council was desperate to get people to buy tickets.

"Okay, well, I'll keep your little secret as long as you buy a ticket," Lanigera butted in.

"What!? No!" Conall rebutled, "I'm not gay!"

"Suure," Lanigera slied then wafted a ticket in Conall's face, she then asked, "Ticket?!"

Conall gazed at the ticket that was sweeping on the wooden desk in front of them. Conall begrudgingly passed a dollar to Lanigera, she passed over one ticket.

"Sorry, it's a dollar for each ticket," Lanigera sneered.

Conall groaned, "I only have 50 cents left over from lunch, mom'll kill me!"

"I guess it'll just be you then, unless, I'm sure I don't have to tell the student council, but you owe me one," Lanigera replied.

"You're obnoxious," Conall snapped back.

"I know," Lanigera accepted the "compliment." She then slid over the other ticket, "It's on the house, keep the change...but... you still owe me."

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