Yellow halls

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Vances head pounded as he sat up with a groan, late morning light burning his eyes as it poured in through the broken blinds against his windows. He brushed off the few bottles that rested on him. The stench of beer and cannabis radiated off him. He rolled over knocking the few remanding cans off and stood up, his back popped loudly with a satisfied sigh. He pulled his shirt off and pulled a now one over his scarred torso. He ran his hands through his blonde hair, yanking the morning tangles out. "Fuck.." he muttered to himself after a particularly hard yank. He pulled on his patched and ratty vest brushing off the dust. He shook his head as he walked out of his creaky old trailer house.
The angry blonde hopped into the rusty green truck that rested on the dead yellow grass in front of his house. He pulled out and headed to the hell hole he wasted his days in.
Denver high.

He pulled up and parked in the parking lot, the gravel crunching under his tires as he pulled in. He groaned to himself, knowing he missed his first few classes, which his father wouldn't be to pleased about. He didn't care to much about that though. He walked up rolling his eyes in annoyance and yanking on the cold metal door, grimacing at the temperature as a cold wind prickled against his bare skin, and wishing he had chosen a longer sleeved shirt.
He walked inside and looked at the echoey, pale yellow hallways before him. 3rd period was in session. She was a bitch, always getting onto Vance. Weather it be for his hair, the words or pins on his vest or the way he talked, always bitching over something. After little contemplation he decided to skip, roam the halls like he had many, many times before.

He walked through the empty halls listening to the rhythmic sounds of his steps as they bounced off the walls and found their way back to him, averting his gaze from the windows out of fear that if he peered in to long he would be caught. He relaxed his shoulders until his ears caught wind of the set of steps heading towards him, presumably a teacher or hall monitor. His blonde hair bounced against his back as he stepped into the bathroom.
He wasn't scared of getting caught. He was just not in the mood to deal with someone who was full of themselves, and beating someone's ass seamed to be a waste of energy today.
It was one of those days. The days where his head hurt and everything seemed to blur together even as it was happening. One of the days that even a cigarette couldn't seem to take any of the stress. One of the days where he smoked or drank until he couldn't feel anything.
The steps followed him into the bathroom as he sat up in the stall. He rolled his eyes, groaning internally as he scowled.

"Esos estúpidos malditos idiotas! ¡Voy a patear sus malditos culos! Te juro follar!" Someone scowled to themselves in Spanish outside, obviously pissed as the water started running. Robin. Vance sighed and stepped out looking at Robin in the mirror.

"Vance. You look like shit." Robin looked at him through the mirror, giving him a small half smile to show he was just bull-shiting with him. "Fuck you to." Vance rolled his eyes playfully and walked over to the sink and leaned against it, looking down at his bloody knuckles. "Who's ass you beat now?" He looked at him curiously. "Oh. Moose." Robin rolled his eyes annoyed.
"I figured he learned his lesson with you last time? From what I heard you beat his ass pretty good." Vance raised one eyebrow as he crosses his arms. "He did. But this time it was for Finn. He decided to join along with the three stooges to pick on him, so I had to remind them." Robin chuckled coldly, even though his face showed a cold scowl. "So you took on all four of them?" Vance laughed, noticing that Robin only had a few bruises and a bloody nose. "No only two. I landed a good punch on one and he ran off and the other one left with him." Robin rolled his eyes. "Malditos imbéciles débiles." He cursed under his breath. Vance tilted his head back as he let out a laugh. "Wow even with help none of them could beat you! Man I wish I could've seen it!" Vance shook his head. "So what we're you doing in here blonde-y?" Robin looked over as he turned the water off and shook his hands dry. "Eh. I just came in and Mrs. Bells is a bitch so I skipped." Vance shrugged ending his simple explanation. "Yeah. Fuck I hate her. I wish we could still sit together." Robin sighed remembering the last time they sat together, seeing as they both had her for third period. "To bad." Vance looked over at him.
"You gonna go back to class? There's still like 20 minutes left." The blonde questioned. "Yeah because I definitely went to that boring sucky ass class in the first place when one of the few people I like in that class is gone." Robin deadpanned sarcastically as he waved his arms around in front of him. "Yeah yeah, I know stupid question." Vance rolled his eyes and stood back up off the cold porcelain surface.
Robin looked up at him. "Man what happened? You look shittier than normal." Robin furrowed his brows and shook his head slightly. "Eh, dad came home for once. Nothing to big." The taller laughed a little, only to lighten the mood but to no avail seeing as the atmosphere still grew thick. Robin shifted his weight onto his other foot, the soft sound of denim rubbing against itself only seemed to make the two more tense. "You're always welcome at my place, yknow." "I don't need your pity, Robin. I can handle myself just fine." Vance gritted out through a clenched jaw. "It's not pity, but if you don't want my help I can't make you take it." Robin muttered.
Robin saw Vance as a friend, and Vance the same with Robin. Though Vance sometimes went to their house he didn't like it, mainly because of his uncle. Don't get him wrong he was an amazing man, never yelled at Vance, gave him a place to sleep, made him the best damn food he had ever eaten. But he looked at him as if he was a lost puppy. Something that needed to be saved, something to clean up so you can pawn off later. He spoke nicely to him, but Vance didn't like the idea of being something that needed to be 'fixed'.

The room filled with silence, and the air softened as did Vance. The two stood for a second half enjoying the others company, and half waiting for the other to say something.
After a moment the bell rang loud through the halls and their ears. "Well man," Robin patted his shoulder and smiled, "I'll see ya' around." And with that he walked out leaving the blonde alone.
The blonde soon walked out after him into the bright bustling halls.

Vance walked alone. Like always. He was a social outcast, though he understood why. He was a violent metal head, with a drinking and smoking problem. It was no wonder people avoided him, they were afraid.

Vance scowled as the teens around him pushed against each other, trying to get as far away from him as possible, something that Vance didn't mind. He honestly wasn't paying attention to the kids, but looking around at the pale yellow walls and buzzing yellow lights. He always found the colors disgusting, but even still they always caught his attention.

He ran into a soft surface snapping him out of his focus. He looked up at the tan boy he had ran into. Bruce Yamada. The golden boy, Mr. Popular, king of Denver High.

"Move, Losers." Vance growled up at him and pushed past him roughly as he glared at him coldly.

A/N!! I've been working on this for a while! I'm still working on my writing style and some parts have been revised and some not so I'm sorry if some are not as good as other parts! I also google translated the Spanish bc I don't speak it- sorry if it's wrong :')

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