You think Im pretty?

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"Get to work now." Mr. Caliman announced as he sat at his desk.
"So Mutt, show me your work." Bruce smiled only to hide the venom in his words. "Fuck you. You show first." Vance crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. "Fine." He cocked his head to the side as he stretched his smile in annoyance. Vance smirked.
Vance loved nothing more than annoying Bruce. Bruce made him miserable so he gladly took any chance to do the same.
"Here." Bruce set his portfolio on the cold table in front of them. Unlike Vance's it was full of art. Vance opened it and took out a few pictures. He looked at them carefully, each one being more beautiful than the last. As he went to pull the last picture out Bruce stopped him and snatched the portfolio away rudely.
"Okay, okay. You've seen enough. Now let me see yours." Bruce set the portfolio on the opposite side of him. "Fine." Vance drew the word out and stood up. He walked up to a large cabinet and opened it. He sifted through a few other portfolios and several piles of stray paper before pulling out his.
He threw it onto the desk carelessly and sat back down. "Is this everything?" Bruce questioned as he flipped through the six pictures. The blond shrugged and leaned back. "Are you going to make this difficult the entire time?" Bruce sighed obviously irritated. "Don't tell me you're actually taking this seriously?" Vance laughed. "Well unlike some people, I actually care about my grades." He huffed. "Whatever. That's all I have." He rolled his eyes.
"I do abstract art. With highlighters and shit." The blond sighed. "Okay," the brunette paused, "well I work with water color. And most of my stuff is realistic." Bruce put a few of the papers back into his portfolio. "These are my best." The brunette stated proudly. Vance took out three of his own. "These are my best I guess." Bruce looked at the pages.
Vance always liked things that were viewed as 'weird' or 'ugly'. He never knew why but he did, so he included it into his art. Everyone seemed to think art had to be beautiful, so he made his ugly. He made it ugly because it was about reality, or his reality at least.
"This is really good." Bruce said absent minded.
"What's it about?" He asked as he studied the next page. "Oh uh nothing. Just scribbles." Vance shrugged. "Never knew that you were such a shit liar." Bruce glanced over at him.  "Whatever. What's yours about?" "I don't know. I just paint people or things that mean a lot to me." The brunette shrugged. "So the emotions part. What emotion do uh.. do you think will be good?" The blond asked as he looked through the three pictures Bruce had picked. "I'd say the emotion we're most familiar with." "Anger."
Bruce gritted his teeth in annoyance. "As expected." "Whatever. Since yours is going to be soo much better, what are you doing?" "Sadness? I suppose that's a good emotion." The blond shook his head and scoffed. "I thought it was the emotion we are most familiar with?" "Well for you yes, because you're immature and don't understand emotions. I understand mine."
Vance leaned forward, Setting the front legs of his chair back down. "Excuse me?" Bruce hummed And quirked an eyebrow.
"You wanna say that again, pretty boy?" He gritted through his teeth. "Aw you think I'm pretty?" "Say it again. I fucking dare you." "What that you're immature?" Bruce cocked his head. "I'll fucking kill you." He muttered. "I'd like to see you try, mutt." The two whispered sharply to each other.
"What are you two whispering about?"

Alley Mutts. |Brance|Where stories live. Discover now