Late nights and early fights

555 15 23

TW!! Abuse and slurs

Vance woke to his head being jerked up by his blonde locks.

His dad was awake.

His father towered over him as the blonde tried to sit up. "Why the fuck did I get a call from the school?" He shouted. His dark gray hair fell in front of his eyes a little as he yelled.
Vance clawed at his hand and screwed his eyes shut in pain.
"And then you go missing for two days?! TWO FUCKING DAYS VANCE!" He threw him against the wall closest to his bed.
"Please! Shit-!" He couched as his fathers boot collided with his ribs. He gasped for air as the man kicked the shit out of him.

By the time he was done Vance was only half conscious and bruised all over, and it wasn't even 8:00 in the morning. 

Vance stood slowly and leaned against the wall for support. He winced as he did so but decided against missing another day. Not like he had a choice really, Devin was at work,  the house wasn't safe, and he didn't really have anywhere else he could go.
He stripped off his blood stained t-shirt and pulled on a black 'Iron Maiden' tank top, which had obviously been a t-shirt that Vance had just cut the sleeves off. He pulled of his dirty blue jeans and boxers and replaced them both with a pair almost identical. He pulled his vest on over his top and made sure he had his necklace on, which was luckily still in tact.

Bruce has also been wrong. His parents weren't angry, they were furious. His father had been so pissed he left a black eyes and busted cheek to remember the night and why not to fuck up.
Bruce was up before the sun. Before anyone, actually. He was already ready to go, completely dressed and showered and packed for the hell hole called 'school'. Now he was making breakfast. Something his parents expected of him was for him to make breakfast for his sister, and wake her up, and make sure she was ready. He was expected to basically parent the girl.

He walked up the stairs quietly and stepped through the pink door. "Amy. Wake up, I made breakfast. He flicked the light on and half yelled. Not loud enough for his parents to wake up, but loud enough for her to. She groaned something that he guessed was supposed to be "Five more minutes!"

He smiled a little before shaking away the thoughts. She was supposed to be angry with him, and he wanted to keep it that way. To keep her at an arms length, no closer and no farther.

Soon enough she got up and their parents were sitting in the living room. They hardly smiled, Bruce didn't know if they ever had smiled. Their faces didn't have laugh lines, or anything to indicate they ever had.

He pushed the images of his parents away from his mind and he handed Amy her bag and the keys to his black 70' Chevrolet Chevelle. His parents didn't say bye. They never did. They never said anything to him, not 'I love you.' Or 'I care about you.' Nothing.
They seemed to keep him an arms length away.

He dropped her off at her school. She didn't bother to say 'bye' today. It hurt. But he knew it was for the best.

He drove a few streets over to the high school and sat in the parking lot for a bit. His face hurt and he was just tired.

He watched people enter the building, until a familiar blonde caught his attention. His face was covered in more bruises and his muscular arms had a few cuts and bruises littering all down them.
He admired his arms, he was obviously strong. Hell, he'd felt it himself just a few days ago.

He caught himself and his cheeks heated. What was he doing? He kicked himself for.. looking to long. He decided it was best to get out and not dwell on the thoughts anymore.

Vance noticed someone was watching him, but he couldn't figure out who. He stayed cautious as he walked into the warm building and found Robin and Finney, they were saying something about math the Vance didn't bother to pay attention to.

"Hey, man." Robin said. It was a little awkward but they were both trying to do out of the other was mad about it.
"Hey, Rob. Uhm I'm-." Vance began but Robin interrupted, "No no It was my fault I just was a little annoyed my him and I took it out on you. Sorry." Vance nodded in response.
He was in a good mood for someone that just got the shit beaten out of them. That was until some punk bumped into him and pushed him into Finney. "Hey, you bitch!" The kid turned around to be none other than,


The curly haired boy smiled an ugly grin. "Oh sorry Vance! I didn't mean to!" He apologized dramatically. "Didn't mean to touch a fag, I mean." He smirked. Vance grabbed his jacket and slammed him against the lockers.
"Well this fag, is gonna beat your ass." He mumbled through gritted teeth as he punched him in the nose.
Moose started to slide down the lockers after a few hits, he had tried to fight back but it hadn't got him far, in fact it only pissed Vance off more.

Bruce watched from afar. He didn't care and signaled for the two guy behind him not to join the fight. Moose deserved it. Bruce knew at any time he could get help and get somebody to help Moose, both of them knew it. But this was his way of saying 'fuck you' to him.

Eventually somebody pulled vance off of Moose, who was on the ground and Bruce left and went to his first period.

None of the teachers tried to get Vance. They learned last year that when he was ready he'd come face his punishment, but unfortunately it took two teachers and a broken bone to learn that.
So he skipped his first lesson. He probably wouldn't have payed attention if he had. But he did go to the principals office. Because of Moose's actions and the fact he just didn't care enough to press charges they let him stay.
Though he would have ISS as of next week and was supposed to have detention for 2 months but remembered the severity of the bruises he had come back with the last couple of times.
So ISS and a long ass meeting with the counselors and that was all.
The counselor walked him to second period so there was no avoiding it, but luckily it was almost over. He decided to sleep through the class.

Unfortunately now it was fourth.


////heyy. I didn't really know how to write the fight so sorry if it's shitty!! I also didn't really know like how to write this chapter so sorry it took so long but I also wrote like half of this in class so yeah...:] -author

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