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Finney looked back at him. "What.?" He mumbled to the boy.
"I'm so sorry. Finney, I'm so sorry." He couldn't even look him in the eyes.

"I- I didn't want to hurt you, really." He stumbled over the words.
"What about those dogs.?" The brunette asked gently.

"I didnt want them to, I swear! I- I'd never hurt an animal like that! I told them to do whatever they wanted when I was tired.. I never thought they'd take it that far.. I'm sorry I hurt you." He almost sobbed out the words, he looked.. almost panicked. He meant every word from the bottom of his soul, and he was pouring it out for him.

Finney stood there, shocked, he put a hand on his shoulder. I was a small movement that shut Bruce right up, he turned red and uttered an apology again.
"I know. I forgive you.." Finney looked into his eyes, but Bruce's didn't meet his. It was like he was ashamed, like he knew he could no longer face this person. But Finney saw how sorry he was, how he truly never meant it. And he decided to accept it, forgive him.

But that's not what Bruce needed. Bruce needed, craved, for someone to beat the shit out of him. To tell him how bad of a person he was and how he deserved to burn. He deserved to feel every ounce of shame and pain he was getting, and more. He needed to be told he was a monster. He needed to be told how terrible he was.. how unforgivable his actin were. He needed it.

Soo.. im not dead (yet). And uhm, im back! I've been in a really deep depression and found it hard to do anything but i think im getting better, or at least im getting manic but it's cool! Anywho enjoy this! Also check out my other TBP stories!!

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