Going back home

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He leaned against the counter in thought. His mind tried to come up with any and all reasons as o why he helped him, but none of them fit. He didn't understand any of this, but he hoped it would all be over soon.
"Hey Vance." A quite voice crept up next to him. He jumped a little. "Finney- shit, man. Nearly gave me a fuckin' heart attack." He laughed dryly. "So uh, I heard that you brought him here. I just wanted to ask, why?" He leaned against the counter next to the blonde. "Why not? I mean I couldn't just let him freeze out there." Vance replied with a smile. "But, why? After everything he did to us? To you. How can you just forgive him?" He seemed to be thinking hard about the subject. Finney was smart, a little to smart if you asked Vance.
"I don't know. He just looked so.. broken. Like he was in the same place I was." Vance sighed. It was the close test to the truth he could find so that's what he decided on.
"Okay, I understand you're reasoning but what about Robin? You know he's not as.. understanding as me." It was true though. As much as they loved Robin he wasn't exactly the easiest to sway. Once he had his mind made up it was pretty hard to change it.
"I don't know. I hope he can learn to at least tolerate him for now." Vance sighed quietly. "Yeah. Well I'm going back to his room. See ya." Finney smiled gently before he left to what Vance assumed was Robin's room.

Vance sat on the front porch with a cigarette between his lips. He looked behind him as the door opened and he up at the noirette. "I'm leaving. Thanks for letting me stay I guess." He muttered before rushing off before Vance could say anything.

Bruce rushed to his house, it was already 10:45 and his family was home. He hoped his parents weren't to harsh on his sister. He walked in quietly and saw his sister sitting at the table quietly. Her face had red streaks down it, signaling she had been crying. "Hey Amy, go up to your room and get cleaned up." He squeezed her hand gently and pulled her chair out for her. She nodded and sniffled quietly. "Mother, Father." He stepped into the living room and saw the older couple sitting in their recliners.
"Where were you?" His mother asked coldly. "A friends house. I fell asleep in the field and they took me home." It wasn't a total lie, he did fall asleep and get taken home. "You had practice." She snapped. 
Bruce kept his gaze on the floor. "I'm sorry, it won't happen again." She nodded. "It better not. Now leave, and take your sister with you. We want her out of the house she's been being a crybaby all day." The small woman complained. "Yes ma'am." He walked to his room and changed his clothes quickly.
He heard a small knock on his door. "Come in, Ames." He smiled as she stepped inside. "Sorry if I got you in trouble. I- I didn't mean to start-." She rambled. "Hey it's not you're fault, cmon let's go. Ice-cream?" She nodded and smiled at him and walked out of his room. He sighed and followed her out. He knew they couldn't go back but he had no money other than for ice cream.

Hahaha I don't write Bruce well but I'm trying to get better with him so enjoy. Also sorry I'm rlly tired so it's only a short chapter rn. Thanks anyways, have a good night/morning/day!

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