Sweet Home 33🏡

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The crowd was happily cheering for their favorite Kpop groups. The Jinkook family and the Vmin family were also in the crowd eagerly sitting on the edge of their chairs. They were excited to see the Cypher 4 group to perform their debut song.

Jungkook and Jin were happily tapping their feet to see their daughter on the stage. They knew how stressed Ari was, so they took her to all the places that would calm her mind. They have heard her practicing in her room at night and dancing with her brother Jackson who was giggling all the time.

In the backstage, the NamSope couple and Ari were getting their makeup done. They had been watching other idols performances through the television and everyone were quite good. This was an important day for them and their manager Bang PD nim was encouraging the band members.

"You have got it, guys. Show the world that you and your music are worth it. Come on let's give an answer to those fuckers who said 'We can't make it'." Ari and the NamSope couple were nodding their heads and they were taking deep breaths.

They got a microphone in their hands while other groups got attached mic in their ears. But they didn't bother about it, although it might be difficult to sing and dance with mic in their hands. They had practiced in all ways and they were going to rock it.

The four got up and circled around together along with their Bang PD nim and put their hands together at the center.

"Cypher 4, FIGHTING!" They shouted in unison and walked to the stage. They were waiting until their introduction MV was playing on the stage screen. Jungkook and Seokjin were looking at it with proud eyes and Vmin couple were happy to see them making it this far.

After the MV was over, the stage turned to dark and the lighting were off. They had only ten seconds to reach the stage. It took enough time for the Cypher 4 to come on stage and stand in their position.

Suddenly the stage was hit with bright lights and loud cheers echoed from the crowd. Rookies were performing today so everyone were cheering for all the groups.

The Jinkook family and Vmin family shouted loudly and Seokjin had to pull his husband to sit down who was standing and yelling his daughter's name.

Ari kind of felt relieved when she saw her family sitting in the back of the row. She was anxious all the day about today but after seeing them, she was okay. The NamSope couple too smiled and waited for their music to turn on. Once the music started, Ari brought her microphone to her lips and looked at the camera with strong eyes.

The Jinkook couple were very proud to see their daughter looking so confident on the stage. Her makeup and her costume everything was perfect. They smiled when they saw some audiences talking and complimenting her beauty.

They sang a song called "Pied Piper" which they have been practicing for so long. The crowd started to cheer when the members started to do the choreography which was so elegant and sexy at the same time.

Everyone's eyes were on the group and the rap, the vocals, and the dance was perfect. It was like a whole package. Lots of cheers and applauds echoed the stage for their performance. The Cypher 4 happily bowed while panting heavily.

Jungkook rolled his tongue inside his cheek when he saw the stranger infront of him recording the performance.

"Hey you, that's my daughter you are recording. You better delete it or I will kill you!" Jeon Jungkook warned the boy sitting in front of him and Seokjin almost face palmed when he saw how terrified the boy was.

"Jungkook, calm down. It's not unusual for the fans to record their idols. We must be ready to face that since the youtube, Instagram and twitter accounts will be filled with our daughter's pictures and videos."

Seokjin tried to explain to his husband, and the Vmin couple were quite enjoying the show. Soon the stage lights were off and other groups were getting ready to perform.

"What? No one told me that. I need to download those apps and sue the fuckers who posts videos or photos about my daughter."

"Hyung, posting about the group will actually benefit them. More people would know about the band and they start to support." Jimin tried to give reasons to not yell at strangers for recording their favorite groups.

"Yes, and if you are going to stalk all our daughter's fans, I am not signing you up with any social accounts."

Jungkook pouted angrily and relaxed by shrugging his shoulders.

"Fine. But open me with a strange name. I don't want her to know that I am following her."

"Daddy, you don't have an account in social media?" Jackson asked and hit his head like he was disappointed. Jungkook was jaw dropped to find out that his son had those accounts and he did not.

"I didn't know you had an account. You don't even have a cellphone. Do you use our mobile for that? Tell me what name you are in? What apps you use? You better tell me, Jk or I will hunt you down and bring you down with me."

Jackson simply stuck his tongue out and gained several laughs from his family. Before Jungkook could speak to his son, the lights on the stage were on other groups started to perform.

Jungkook was looking at his son with a strong glare making Jackson to turn his eyes to his father. He gulped hard when he saw Jungkook's lips moving and saying that,

"This is not over."

Seokjin hit Jungkook's thighs who whined by the slight pain. Of course he noticed how his husband was threatening his own son for some social media accounts.

On the back stage, Bang PD nim hugged the band Cypher 4 tightly and was very proud of them. Ari, and the NamSope couple felt relief after seeing the reaction from their manager. They were given water bottles and a hand fan to relax. They sat on their sofa while watching other performances.

Soon they were called on the stage along with other groups who had performed that day. Every idols bowed to each other and were standing in groups to see who had won today's show. Ari's eyes were searching in the crowd to find her family. And she smiled shyly when she saw her neighbors and family giving thumbs up.

The Cypher 4 band was shocked when they heard the show host calling them up front along with another rookie group. Their faces were shown on the screen and their eyes were looking at the numbers of votes placed for their performance.

Ari and the NamSope couple closed their mouths in awe when they saw the numbers in their faces increasing in fast pace and finally it showed 'Number 1.' The crowd were cheering for their new group and they took their phones to record the scene.

The Cypher 4 band members looked at each other with shocks in their faces and eyes welling up with tears. They hugged together and were jumping up and down on the stage by gaining laughs from other idols and the audience.

The Jinkook family and Vmin family were already jumping in joy and hugging happily by shouting several words. They were happy to see the band getting acknowledged by the people.

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