Unexpected Recruits

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Anakin's POV

We were on our way to the hangar passing many Jedi with confused looks on their faces as we went by, when we reached the ship I was shocked as I saw Padme waiting there. I internally face palmed as I remember I was supposed to meet her here after the meeting. When she turned around she had a smile on her face that went as quickly as it came when she saw Obi wan and Ahsoka. Don't get her wrong, she loves Ahsoka like a daughter and a close friend and she sees Obi wan as a father figure to me but she wasn't expecting them here. I feel like such an idiot!

" Senator Amidala, pleasure to see you again. May I ask what are you doing here?" Obi wan asked her while simultaneously giving a look to me.

" O-oh, Master Kenobi! I-I was just here to give this datapad to general Skywalker. It has some information I have acquired about a new separatist droid factory on Cato Neimundia, I thought I would wait here since I didn't know where he was." replied Padme with a reason you would think is true for how formulated it is, I can't believe how good she is sometimes.

" Thank for your troubles senator, this information will prove vital to winning the war." I replied tacking the datapad. " Anything for the republic." she said with confidence yet softness in her voice. " May I ask generals, were are you heading? I thought you have just came back from a mission, surely you need some rest."

she inquired in a slightly questioning voice. " We received a distress signal from Duchess Satine and we are on our way there to help her. Since you two are good friends I think she would trust you to know." said Ahsoka answering her question. " What! Oh but the senate did not get such news!" said Padme with instant worry as she heard this.

" The one who attacked Mandalore would like to keep it secret, as far as the people are concerned the Duchess is missing but nothing else is known." I replied adding a point to the conversation.

" And we would like to keep it silent, if the people find out there will be chaos and rioting, the planet will be split between supporters of the invaders and ones of the Duchess. there will be even more chaos if we sent troops there it would be a counter invasion of the republic and the Duchess will be as unpopular as ever. This needs to stay quiet."

Obi wan literally gave a full essay on the spot. one of the things that kill me about him. " If you are really going to terrorist captured Mandalore to save the Duchess do you really thing you can do it alone?" Padme asked in a fully inquisitive and slightly mocking tone.

" Who do you think we can take senator, no Jedi is available and I am not going with Jar Jar!" I said in full honesty. " No general Skywalker you're going with me." " What! NO not happeni-" " I'm not asking general." said Padme with a full authoritative voice.

" We would be delighted to have you with us senator." said Ahsoka giving me a look confusion and total smugness, Obi wan is right, she is EXACLY like me sometimes and it's getting a little freaky.

" Maybe we could consider some of the clones. Rex and Cody for example." added Ahsoka. " That's not a bad idea snips, and you just volunteered to go and get them." I replied " Wait I- fine!" she said before leaving the hangar.

" I will contact some trusted friends of mine and tell them about the situation in case we need immediate help." said Padme. " Obi wan can get some rations for emergency and I'll stars the ship.

Ahsoka's POV / the Resolute

I can't believe Skyguy set me up like this just so he can mingle with senator Amidala. I mean does he think I'm blind or dumb! A disabled person can see what's going on between them from the outer –rim.

At least I'm not taking out the trash, I'm going to see the clones so I won't complain further. I was running in the halls of the Resolute so deep in thought I didn't realize where I was going, or what am I doing here, or I'm about to crash into someo-! Ouch.

"Sorry trou- commander!? I'm really sorry I wasn't looking." When I looked up I was faced with Rex's crazy nervous face. He was all red and he was stuttering in his words.

"It's ok Rex, it's my fault, I wasn't looking where I was running either." I tried standing up when I realized I fell on-top of him! It was my turn to go dark, my lekku was the darkest shade of black that that I've seen it turn into.

He got up and helped me to stand and there was an awkward silence until he broke it. "I thought you and the generals were on leave, what would you be doing here so soon commander?" it was a fair question and it worked well to break the tension. "I was actually looking for you and Cody, there is something I need to talk to both of you about." " Sure thing commander." He said in a soft yet serious voice, "Let's go find Cody." I said as we started our search for the commander.

-------The twilight-----

Anakin's POV

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked Padme as we were entering the ship, "I'm not mad at you Anakin who told you that?" she replied in a 'stop attacking me' voice. "See? You called me Anakin instead of ani which means you're still mad at me." I told her making my point "Alright, I am a little disappointed. I haven't seen you in a full month and I wanted us to have some personal time." She replied in a rather sad voice.

"Believe me I wanted that to but you know Obi wan needs to go save his girlfriend." I said in a mocking voice. "Anakin Skywalker have some respect to your former master!" she said hitting my arm. "Sorry! You know I'm just teasing." I said in defense as she gave me a look that said 'not amused '. "Besides it's true. He doesn't want to admit it but I'm no idiot."

"It would be nice to see Obi wan happy for once." Padme said in a sincere voice, "He's always so serious."

She's right. No matter what, Obi wan is always the perfect Jedi general. Only when I saw him with Satine did I see that he too has feelings but he knows how to keep them under control... most of the time.

"I hope you got the ship started without any issues." I heard Obi wan say as he came in with two tiny crates of ration sticks. Speak of the devil. "Ready to go master." I said as I walked up to him. "This is all I could muster at short notice, it should do." Obi wan said giving me the crates. "All we have to do now is wait for snips to come back and were ready to go."

Ahsoka's POV

" Let me see if I understand, you and the generals received a distress signal from the duchess of Mandalore and you are trying to rescue her without anyone knowing." Cody said trying to piece everything together. Normally it's not something easy to believe, but we are known for craziness in general.

"And you want us to grab a small team and go with you?" asked Rex completing Cody's sentence. "Yes, there are no others I trust more than you and the men. We need your help."

"Count us in commander!" said Rex in a bit of an exited tone, "Well always be here for you sir." Said Cody in the exact same way while both giving me salutes. I'm filled with joy by those words, these men have been part of my family for years, I don't know what I would do without them.

I smile widely as I give them a salute as well. I suddenly get drawn to Rex's eyes as they look directly into mine, those deep amber eyes manage to drown me for some reason and I can't break free.

Rex's POV

I when I saw her smile at what me and Cody said, something inside me was smiling as well. As I looked into the light blue eyes and she looked back, I was so deep thought about how mystical they looked, I heard someone cough behind me when Cody snapped me out of my thoughts. "Uh yes, I propose Fives and Kix, sir. They might be a little rough and roughly but they'd do good on a mission like this." I proposed trying to get back on track. "I agree sir."

I heard Cody say behind me, "Kix's medical skills would be vital on a mission like this, and Fives is a good soldier. I may also suggest Jesse, he is a great fighter and would be of good use." Cody finished. "Alright, that would be good. We should go get the men and catch them up on the story so we can meet with Anakin." Ahsoka said in a leading voice. I hope this goes well.

Another one down! Tell me what you think should happen and how this can go. I have a rough layout for how the story can go but I'd love to hear some suggestions. Until the next one, see ya!

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