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Obi Wan's POV:

" What?" Said the woman, utterly bewildered. " You heard me. We surrender." I continue as I watch as much of a reaction that I can get through her helmet with amusement. If I'm going to surrender as a distraction, might as well have a little fun. I saw Anakin smirk from the corner of my eye but it vanished quicker than lightspeed. I just hope Ahsoka can get out of here safely with the senator. If I can't escape she will be Satine's final hope. Sorry Anakin.

"We recognize that we are outmatched, there is no need to try." At this I saw she was skeptical. A large male was approaching towards us with a small number when a voice rang out like a echo through the buildings. "Stop, Saxon!" said the female Mandalorian to the figure named Saxon as he stopped with the men around him and turned towards her. " What is it?" He asked in a deep, agitated voice on the edge of anger. He walked back and stood hulking over her as they were exchanging frantic whispers out of ear's reach. I thought now would be a good time to test a long forgotten Force ability in the Jedi texts. Just like the Force confusion I taught Ahsoka in hopes she could apply it now. I reached out unmoving with the Force to try and hear whatever voices that exist in the proximity. 

"I don't like this." said the woman with a glance at me. "Shocker"  said Saxon  with the official air of exasperation. " Stop acting more stupid than you already are and listen!" Anger was evident in her voice now. She could clearly see something was fishy about our little surrender. "Stop shouting insults you'll regret and make your point!" Retorted Saxon threateningly. "Something's clearly wrong here. A surrender so easily like this doesn't work with a Jedi. I think he's playing at something here with his little squad, especially since the new Mandalore warned us about this particular Jedi." She shot another look at me then Anakin moving through the rest of us as she craned her neck ever so slightly to have us all in her clear vision. Saxon was also taking us in his line of sight, contemplating what she said for a second. 

When he turned sharply back at her and said in a intimidating voice, "Listen Kryse , I know you're putting on this show for the new boss so you can take over the rule after your petty, pathetic sister. Visla isn't here to protect you anymore. Keep in your place and don't contradict orders. I'm bringing the Mandalore Kenobi and Skywalker. Don't ruin things and you don't have to join your sister, and these pests." Time almost stopped for me when I heard one word, Kryse. Satine never told me she had a sister, though I can clearly deduce why she would want to keep that her sister is part of a terrorist organization trying to kill her and take over Mandalore, a secret, but I can't deny it made me feel extreameley shocked and a little betrayed. Maybe that is an over exaggeration but the bond I shared with Satine was special  to say the least. Saxon was looking back at us, and I could almost feel the glare she was also giving me behind that helmet. 

Sadly this only enhanced my theory. Visla and I didn't have a very cheerful meeting last time I was here on Mandalore. Me and Satine went to the nearby moon of Concordia to investigate Death Watch activity and let's just say, it didn't end so well. But if this sister of Satine's was Visla's right hand then she knew as much as him about me. Now that Visla is clearly gone she must have gotten her warning about me from another source that knew me better. The only one I could deduce is the worst option I can think of. Maul took over Mandalore, and he has Satine held hostage, all to get to me. This time it was one time too many. Maul already took my master and several other Jedi I knew well with that beast of his named Savage. It took everything from me not to give into my emotions, but I guess by now I am such an expert at it, it works on autopilot. 

"Is that a threat Saxon?" said Kryse in a equally intimidating  voice." You finally understand don't you. I don't have time for your conspiracy theories Kryse! I'll finish this and deal with you later." Saxon turned to face us and ordered a few soldiers to arrest us. "Take them away, you're about to rejoin your dear duchess in prison." Saxon looked so pleased with himself not knowing that he just gave me exactly what I wanted.

ANOTER ONE DOWN! This chapter is pretty boring and I don't like it much but hey, it's buildup. I know this chapter is pretty short but I'm really worn out and the next one will be better. I hope. Thanks for 179 Reads! Wanna find out If or How Ahsoka and the others escape? wait for the next chapter! Coming Soon.....

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