Beyond enemy lines

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Satine's POV: 

I sat in my sell cross legged with my head facing the ground. I wake up every morning to the same scene, a glass cell, durasteel out cropping, and three dedicated Death Watch guards. I must say, I have grown to appreciate the torture that prisoners go though in their sentences. The boredom, among other things, is unbelievable. 

None of which matters compared to the pain I feel, every day, stuck in a cell inside my own palace. While a psychopath rules over my planet. I don't know if I will ever leave these wards, or my shame. I failed everyone. I failed my people, my nephew, even Bo. I couldn't understand her needs and aspirations, and for that, look where we are now. And of course, Obi Wan. I cannot help but lie in horror at my atrocious mistake. because of that distress signal I sent him, he must be on his way here now. Just as he wants.

My cell door slides open and my third visitor for the day makes their entrance, carrying a tray with a single grayish slab and a cup of water, how delightful. "Maul keeps gracing me with visitors in my lowly prison cell. Never thought he cared." I say with as much spite as I could muster to the guard standing behind me. "Shut it! You're getting what you deserve for betraying and misleading Mandalore and its people! Maul only needs you alive just a little longer, then I can finally watch your worthless corpse hit the floor." 

The sound of the crashing tray collides with my ears as the plate clatters on the floor and the spilled water reached my boots. Looks like there's no dinner tonight. "All your boyfriend has to do is follow your desperate distress call thinking he will save you, while he's just digging your grave, and his own in the prosses. Maybe he'll die of heartache before Maul can finish him off. Either way, nothing can save him. Not even his precious Force."

The sound of my closing door is the last thing I hear before my own thoughts take over. I can't help but mull over the words that despicable guard told me. I will have to watch Obi Wan die. Or he will have to watch me. Either way I lose him today, and my people will have to suffer under the rule of that monster Maul. The feeling of nausea and disgust overwhelms me but, is completely overrun intense sorrow. The cruel, crushing, fact of reality is that I remind myself over and over, hurting more every time. I failed. And many will pay the price for my failure. 

The millions of people on my planet may not morn me, but they will morn so many others that are sure to be lost under the Death Watch and Maul's rule. The Galaxy would be up in flames and the war would be the least of their worries as crime syndicates and families will ally under that despicable Zabrak. The Piques, the Crimson Dawn, the Black Sun and the Death Watch are already bowing before him, and only Mandalore knows how many others will.

The senate would crumble and the Jedi will be too overwhelmed. And if the war keeps going, everyone falls. Sometimes I wonder if this is all some sick dream. A game led by someone who just wants to watch the world burn. And yet again, here we are. Or, here I am, an enemy of the state. Waiting for Obi Wan Kenobi, my knight in shining beskar to come and save me, just like I did about ten years ago. But this time, there is no happy ending. 

No master Qui Gon to guide us in times of crisis, no plan, no way out, and least of all, no hope of survival. He and I will die tonight and I can only hope he lives to fight another day. My greatest regret was not confessing my love for him sooner, but now, it is luring him to certain death by hand of his greatest adversary.

If only I could speak to him right now for a last ditch attempt at saving him. If only I could use the... Force. That's it! I'm no force sensitive but it surrounds all living things. Maybe, just maybe, it will send one message for me. I lie in a meditative position, focusing all my energy on the Force. Time goes by slowly, but I didn't stop for a second, I can't. At one point in time all the noise washed out. The clatter of boots, the scuffling of guards, and the shouts of prisoners were all silenced. And that's when it happened.

"Satine Kryse, daughter of Mandalore, what brings you here?" I open my eyes to find myself in a white void surrounded by beings clad in full black, and wearing...masks? Very strange masks, indicating six different emotions. The one with the serene looking pearl white mask faces me and starts speaking to me in a calm, angelic voice. "You come seeking help from the force, bold move from a non-Force-sensitive." "Who are you?" My voice rings as an echo in the empty void as the figures encircle me. "We are the Wills. Guardians of sorts in the Force. And the only reason we speak to you now is, because of your old friend Qui-Gon Jinn." My eyes widen. "But how? Master Qui-Gon is dead! Or is he?" The thought begins to wander in my mind before being abruptly silenced. "Of course he is!" Another Will speaks out in a chirpy voice that rings of joy. A bit tone deaf if you ask me but I'm not about to ask. "He's one with the Force now, child. Just, not the same one as all other deceased beings in the galaxy." The one with the sad mask continues the 'explanation', but it leaves me with more questions than answers. "We should cut to the chase!" The angry one exclaims with a booming voice that startles me, as if I needed more anxiety. "The one you seek to help is Qui-Gon Jinn's old padawan. And he has a connection with the Force, as a favor to Qui-Gon, we will pass your message on to Obi Wan Kenobi. But be warned! You do not have much time to warn him. And, more importantly, there is no telling if he will listen."

"Do you still wish to go through with it?" The serene voice remerges for one last question. "Of course!"

Another one down! This story's catching fire! (Or I like to tell myself that
:D) Thanks for reading and thanks for passing 500 reads! You're the best. Hope that matters to you. Till the next time! BYYYYEEEEE

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