This is where the fun begins!

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"Ahsoka, where are you!?" said Anakin in a childish manor, "calm down Anakin, the task you gave her is not exactly quick or simple." Said Obi wan trying to calm down his former apprentice.

"She has to go all the way to the Resolute, find a squad of clones, tell them about the already hard to believe predicament and take them back here in a standard hour. Not even you can do it."

"I know, I know but we don't have that kind of time, neither does the duchess." Said Anakin ending with a sincere voice. " In that you are right." Replied Obi wan in a full worried tone.

As on que, the hangar door opened reviling six figures the middle one being a Togruta. "Sorry about the wait. Fives couldn't stop laughing for some reason." Said Ahsoka as she got closer with the squad of clones behind her.

"Right on que snips!" said Anakin as they all got into the ship. " Nice to see you're in one piece since I last saw you general." Said Rex in a joking manner. "I could say the same to you Rex." Replied Anakin as they both smiled.

As everyone hoped in the ship, Ahsoka and Anakin took the pilot seats and got the ship ready for takeoff. "Strap in everyone!" said Anakin as they took off.

"Making the jump to hyperspace in 3..2..1!" said Ahsoka as flashes of different shades of blue appeared through the windows in the Twilight.

Obi wan's POV :

I heard Ahsoka count down the jump to hyperspace as I watch the seanery from the windows.

I very much hope this goes well, in all honesty I would love to see Satine safe. Although Anakin's teasing is highly unnecessary, he does have a point. I do love Satine far more than a Jedi should, and I'm scared to lose her.

I close my eyes as I am still strapped on my seat to try and meditate. The force might show me something of aid following its will.

Padme's POV:

I look around in the ship to find it completely quiet except for the two bickering in the cockpit, since when do the let children drive? As I keep looking I find Obi wan with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. He defiantly doesn't want to be disturbed.

I was going to go listen to the conversation in the cockpit when I heard a clone address me. "So... Senator, it's certainly a surprise meeting you here. A pleasure but surprising." Said the clone sounding a bit nervous. "Pleasure is all mine." I replied by smiling, "I'm Padme." I told him since we never met before.

"CT5555 but they call me Fives. Since you and the generals seem to be such good friends, especially general Skywalker, I assume he told you about us." Fives said in a very sly tone, especially the part about Anakin, witch made me a little red.

"As a matter of fact, they have. Mainly general Skywalker and commander Tano though, I don't meet general Kenobi much." I replied

"Understandable since he mainly stays in two places. I'm commander Cody, senator. Pleasure to meet you even if the circumstances aren't the best."

"All mine commander, and please all of you call me Padme. No need for formalities now." I said, "I would love to learn all your names at least, we will be staying together for quite some time."

"Then allow me to be introduce you to the group of mishaps I call my brothers." Said Fives in a comedic voice, while the mishap part got him some death glares. "Guy with the totally edgy face tattoo is Jessy." Said Fives as Jessy gave me a salute and a smile.

"The guy who is totally not crushing on the commander is our dear old captain Rex." Right as he said that Rex got real red, and if looks could kill not even master Yoda can survive a stare like the one Rex gave Fives. I was laughing lightly at the comment, Rex is dead lucky Ahsoka was talking with Anakin and didn't seem to notice at all.  

I was about to start a conversation with the clones when Obi Wan bolted out of his seat with eyes as wide as meilooruns. "Anakin!" he called out as he rushed to the pilots. 

Another one down! hope you liked it even if its shorter. Thank you for 38 views! each one made my day. To whoever is reading this please comment and start a conversation and expect more chapters to come soon.... er or later.

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