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MERELDA- " Lucas?! Put me down!"

LUCAS- " woah, alright alright! Why so sudden?"

MERELDA- " Ughh, so annoying.. Just put me down you moron, it isn't hard!"

LUCAS- " Fine, after caring so much, caring for literally 2 hours this is how you thank me?"

Lcas doesn't hesitate and drops Merelda onto the ground, roughly as she falls onto her knees. She looked up at Lucas, exasperatedly for the way he's treating her. Lucas just looks away as if nothing happened. He gave her a grin and walked off, near Bailey. Linda just stares in silence, speechless of how the two lovers are treating each other. Linda leans closer to her partner, Bailey, and whispered secretly,

LINDA- " how are they supposed to get together if Lucas's 'love of his life ' is suddenly mad at him and he's giving her the same attitude?"

BAILEY- " You have a point but oh well. It'll work out somehow, I guess..?"

Lucas suggests that we continue the journey and move on as well as forget everything that happens. While on the lookout for Clock Of Wisdom, Linda and Bailey announce to Merelda that they're together, as merelda cheers and claps for them in joy. She had just met these two, yet they're all getting along so easily. A bit too easily..Liucas started to realise Linda and Merelda were really just friends but what about Bailey? He noticed the winks, flirting and the 'getting too close' thing, yet the whole time Merelda looks awfully uncomfortable especially knowing that the young man was taken by the person who helped her most, Linda. Poor lLinda trusted Bailey so much, she didn't realise this was going on throughout the whole trip. While Merelda couldn't really say anything, it was up to Lucas to defend her and stand up to Bailey, confronting him. Although for no, they needed to focus on escaping more, while Lucfas kept Merelda closer to him..

LUCAS- " So merelda, sorry about earlier but why did you wake up so angry all of a sudden? Did I do something?

Lucas and Merelda walked alone behind Bailey and Linda as they tried to start a conversation with each other, getting closer each second

MERELDA- " H-hey, no need to apologise, Lucas. I should be apologising really. I don't know why I woke up angry to be honest."

LUCAS- " Did you like to see anything that made you mad or some shit?"

MERELDA- " I honestly don't know.. Well now that you've mentioned it, I never thought about it. Maybe that's just the whole process?"

LUCAS- " maybe"

They were silent for a while as they got closer to The Clock Of Wisdom to change the past or to see the future. Yes they have met Wisdom before, but all of a sudden the Clock disappeared. They now have to face challenges to lead them to the Wisdom before 7;30 PM tomorrow. At the moment it's currently 6:13 AM. They have about a day to finish their tasks. Before Merelda woke up, the trio were given a piece of paper that included the tasks;

Find the key in the head office and once again, open The Great Gate with it. You will then find a light that will lead you to a place that no one has ever ended in human history. From there, once you have all entered, the door will automatically be locked and there will be puzzles you'll have to solve for the next challenge ahead..

Yours sincerely, The Clock Of Wisdom

Is what the unordinary letter had said once they were given it after they had all taken turns reading it.

LUCAS- " Merelda, do you ever feel like you're being harassed? O-or just being uncomfortable by anyone here?"

As he said those truthful words, he gave a huge hint that he knew what Bailey was doing

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