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MERELDA-"B-boys! Are you guys a-asleep ye-tt?"

There was no response.. No one answered Merelda as she spoke.

MERELDA-"B-Boys..? Boys! Boys don't ignore me, boys! Oh you guys just wait if your not asleep-"

She suddenly found herself in their rooms and saw them sleeping quietly like babies.


Merelda was adored by how her two boys were asleep. She quietly crept out of their bedrooms with a warm smile on her tired face. She was exhausted by what she has been through today and what she has witnessed. Merelda convinced herself it was all her imagination and maybe she was going crazy because she was so tired.

MERELDA-"Maybe I should also go to sleep.."

As she walked over to her room she saw some left over dinner waiting for her

MERELDA-"No, I'm not really hungry..I need some sleep though.."

She yawned and recklessly stumbled to her bedroom which seemed to take ages! Her back was sore, it's like she needed a cane to walk with and she felt terribly sick. Merelda felt strange because this wasn't the first time she had come home late after a busy day. Usually she would suit herself to some dinner and straight to bed, yet this time was different. She didn't feel like herself anymore..

NOAH-"Mum, mum..Mum! Wake up it's like 9:45! This is the fifth time we've woken you up, get up! Please mum..Wake up.."

LIAM-"W-what if she's..shy-she's.."

NOAH-"Oh quit the nonsense Liam! She's obviously alive dumbhead. She's just very sleepy today for some reason.."

LIAM- "And what on earth makes you think that! Just look at the sight of her! Mum looks like she aged a few DOZENS of years overnight!"

NOAH-"Argh! Shut up will ya?"

"Whatever" Liam exclaimed

MERELDA-" What are you guys doing guys are supposed to be at school!

NOAH-"yeah we were supposed to but you wouldn't wake up! You know what time it is mum?! We couldn't leave you alone here!"

"Yeah, mum! Noah's right! It's like 10am! Don't you have work or something! Your LATE"

The word "late" crept up on Merelda and suddenly she came to her senses.

She was exhausted and felt like if she stood on her feet she would fall onto her knees and break a bone. It was complete silence and it took a while for Merelda to figure out how on earth she was even going to get in the car to drive to work.

MERELDA- "oh dear! How on earth am I going to get to work now? I can't even walk properly! Jesus christ!

Suddenly Mereldas innocent self fell and collapsed on the ground incautiously. No one was there to help her. Everyone was either at work or school in addition she was behind her car so she wouldn't be visible to people either way.. Was she just going to be left there, maybe even have injuries? Thankfully someone approached merelda but was that really a good thing though...?

MINA- oh dear.. Oh dear oh dear! What a shame.. I really didn't want to do this to you but I had no other choice Merelda... you were one of my best employees. It's quite unfortunate isn't it. Maybe if you didn't look like the most beautiful 15 year old, you wouldn't have been a victim..hah couldn't be me!
MERELDA- M-mina..? What are you talk-ing ab-bout..? Please be a dear and help me out..! I think I might have sprained my ankle..

MINA- just how I wanted it to go. I'm really sorry for this Merelda.. Please forgive my love. I didn't mean any of this to happen..ESPECIALLY not to YOU! Your beauty really does attract the worst. Who knew someone so beautiful would end up ugly in the end. It's like a fairytale with a bad ending!

The Ugly Side Of beautyWhere stories live. Discover now