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Chapter 10


MARK- " uhm, b-boss?"

BAILEY- " get me some beer Amani, and don't forget the damn ice like you did last time"

AMANI- " of course hubby!"

BAILEY- " Don't call me that, god it's annoying"

AMANI- " Come on hubby, i know you like it"

BAILEY- " My wine?"
AMANI- " whatever..its coming"

Bailey sighs in annoyance. It doesn't seem like he enjoys his girlfriend's company or being with her at all. Merelda is surprised at how he treats his partner, how he just uses her to order her around, and how annoyed he gets when she says "hubby".

Not gonna lie, "hubby" is kind of annoying but still, he should have some respect for her. She's his girlfriend after all

It's like a repeated pattern that never ends. She's so close to the end, then she gets caught. Merelda is gonna pass the finish line, then someone else has to win. She's always getting into problems that seem to just get extensive and cause an immense scene.

Earlier, Merelda was tied up by two guards. Her hands were tied and chained while the rest of her was free. Her powers seemed useless as they were dominate thanks to Bailey. Linda only gave her an evil gin as her last words before she left for good. Brainwashing was all they had done to Linda, they just needed her out of here so Merelda was left on her own.

Linda was the only hope, Merelda was now alone, tied, powers were useless and nothing would work.

MADAME ELOISE- " Ah, the young lady, it's nice to meet you again indeed!"

MERELDA- " Get away from me, Scarlett. All you've done is cause trouble because you're not attractive. Out of all the girls, I had to be the one?"
MADAME ELOISE- " oh dear, it's a shame what beauty can do to you.."

Scarlett walked around in circles and faced a window, as if she was in a movie while she spoke,

MADAME ELOISE- " Your beauty is very rare, you know. Not only your beauty but, i also want to be young again. The old days got me.. I miss being your age..ah.."

MERELDA- " okay? I honestly didn't ask for your whole past-life story. I don't care whether you're 106 or 27, leave me alone you witch! Let me see ,y children, are they even okay? What did you do to them?! A-and where the hell is Lucas!!?"
MADAME ELOISE- " don't make me go hard on you, dear. Your kids are fine, Lucas. That's another story. For now though, if you refuse to exchange your beauty and youthfulness for my old facials, your kids are at risk! Hah, life isn't fair isn't it?"


MADAME ELOISE- " relax! No need to yell.."

Madame Eloise confronted Merelda as she went close to her

MADAME ELOISE- " Lucas, love, he's here. Just not in great shape, hah!"

MERELDA- " what- can i see him? HEs literally all i have right now"
MADAME ELISE- " That's up to Bailey"

MERELDA- " What-"
MADAME ELOISE- " oh well, look at that. My cue to leave. See you around dear"

Amani finally returns after what had seemed decades with her hubbys wine. She smiles awkwardly, shakes and trembles as she walks over to Bailey. Obviously, there was something that didn't seem right and Merelda knew this. She can feel it. She would have confronted her but they way she was trembling, stopped her. Merelda felt as if she knew this woman's pain and fairness that it would be guilty of her if she snitched or something. She waited for what was going to happen, silently

AMANI- " H-here hubby! Haha! Perfectly sweetened, for the sweetest man!"

Cringe flirting was filling up the room yet Merelda kept silent

BAILEY- " what the hell took you so long?? "
AMANI- " Oh, my apologies, love, didn't mean to make you wait.."

BAILEY- " love? That's a first, it's better than hubby I can tell you that.

She laughed ferociously in anger yet she made it seem sweet. Hubby's girlfriend was offended by her own man. He drank it slowly, taking a sip while staring deep into Amani's eyes. The glass of fancy wine slowly left his mouth as he held it clumsy, and then he fell to the ground dramatically and he looked up at Merelda, turned to Amani and held onto Mark's leg for a moment.

BAILEY- " hah, this is your way of revenge..?"

AMANI- " Revenge? No darling, this isn't revenge!"

Bailey started to gasp for air as he held onto dear life and responded to Amani

BAILEY- " So w-why was there no-poison in m-my wine..?"
AMANI- " this isn't revenge dear. This is giving you a taste of your own medicine. Big difference"

BAILEY- " your filthy brat, just wait you bastard. I'll get you to taste your own medicine too.."
MERELDA- " Not when your own love left you."

Bailly gave the finger as he slowly passed away, helplessly on the ground. The only mission was to kill the bastard and they were done, extra rules were added to make the components harder for them and confusing yet all they needed to do it kill the head.

A few months later everything was back to normal. Merelda and her kids now live in New York city with her beloved husband, Lucas who got back together with Merelda. A happy life was formed again and everyone was happy. Her two precious boys did great in school and spent a lot of time with their families in addition they loved their father more than before. Merely got a new job as a hairstylist again and her Salon company was known everywhere. She got deals, customers and even got huge deposits from wealthy companies that were willing to test out her Hair Salon products and see her styling.

Lucas on the other hand got a good paying job as an engineer. He didn't get as much money like Merelda did yet he did get good amounts. Everything was at last back to normal.


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