Doubble the trouble

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Rins POV

Well we made up our minds to get out but how were we going to do it exactly? I had thought this was a cave but it was only a giant hole underground with no way out!

"Rin theres no way out!" Miku cried.

"Ya...I geuss we should try climbing our way out?" I said setting Gumi against a wall.

"What your gonna climb?! Were about 20 feet deep in the ground! How are you gonna climb all the way up?!"

"Ah! I don't know but it won't hurt to try!" I said going to a wall.

Luckly theres still some sun light in the cave or else I don't what I would do in pure darkness. I took a deep breath as I dug my hands in to the rocky wall and tried to climb, it was actually kinda hard I made it a couple feet up but suddenly lost my grip and fell flat on back on to the rocky floor. I did it a couple more times untill my fingers were numb and I was too tired to climb anymore.

"You see..." Miku said un-empressed.

"*cough* Oh shut up, I know it wasn't gonna be that easy... and what happened to all that enthusiasm you had earlier?" I said sitting up, I looked up when suddenly a rock hit me in the face!

"Ack!!" I cried as I fell back in pain placing both hands over my face.

"Rin?!" Miku said unsure what to do.

"W-what the hell!? SCREW YOU!!!!" I angrily cried. I was fed up with all this crap!! I got up grabbing the stupid rock and threw it back up as hard as I could!

"Ow!!!" We herd a familiar voice cry.

I looked up and saw a figure coming down, something with wings? I finally got a good look and saw that it was Teto!!

"Why are you throwing rocks at someone who's trying to rescue you hu?!" She angrily said as she set foot on the ground.

"Teto!" I said with joy as a big smile appeared on my face and i gave her a big hug.

"There there I would be glad to see my self too" Teto said in a joking tone patting my head, when she suddenly noticed Miku and quickly pushed me away.

"M-Miku?! Your hear to fight me again!?" She angrily said getting in a fighting pose.

"Eh?! No way!!! What happened at Melody Valley wasn't on purpose I swear!!! I had no control over my body!!!" Miku said trying to stop Teto from attacking.

As the two tried settings things right some one else came down as well, it was the girl with long pinkish peach hair. She seamed to be floating on a gaint pink flower, which I thought was pretty cool . And luckily Miku and and Teto settled down after they saw her.

"Good it seams your alright..." the girl said to me.

"Ya, by the way who are you exactly?..." I said.

"*sigh* im IA guardian of the forest and friend of the former electric angel" she said getting off the flower.

"Former electric angel?" I asked a bit confused.

"Oh ya you still don't know, but you and Len are the split soul of the electric angel from like 50 years ago named Lenka" Teto said to me.

Oh..WHAT?! 50 years ago?! So the girl named IA explained to me the situation with the electric angel and the true nature behind Piko and Miki, and man did it make me feel more lousy. Not only did I fail to do my role as the electric angel but I also let two threats free that the former electric angel ended up sacrificing her self to keep sealed up...

"Speaking of the code where is it?" IA asked.

"Well about that It sort of to a million little pieces and vanished..."

"Your kidding right?!" IA shouted.

"Actually its true I witnessed it my self..." Miku then said.

"Omg this can't be happening!? Now what?! Things cant get worse can they?!" IA said rubbing her forehead with the tips of her fingers walking back in forth when suddenly everything began to shake like carzy.

"An earthquake?!" Teto exclaimed.

"Tsk! We need to get out of hear before the place caves in!" IA said as she got back on the gaint flower.

"Come on!" She said.

I quickly went for Gumi and got on to the flower following Miku and Teto. IA still standing told everyone to watch out for falling rock and the flower quickly moves upwards heading to the surface. As I held on to Gumi Teto gave me a worried look.

"Whats the matter?" I asked.

"Gumi...she was the enemy so are you sure you can trust her again?"

"Probably...if I herd Miki correctly befor I ended up hear and what Miku thinks is allso correct then Gumi was never the enemy to begin with, she was just a victim...just like Miku and Len were" I said with a serious look.

Teto seamed surprised by answer and only let out a little laugh.

"Well what ever you know the serious act doesn't really suit your spunky personality, so loosen up a little." She said smirking.

"Hmp! Coming from someone who trys to use the whole I dont care and cool guy act"

"Eh what are you saying I am cool! Your just jealous! " Teto wined.

"Sure sure" I said laughing.

"Focuse you two!" IA angrily said to the the two of us as we were almost at the surface.
When we suddenly herd some shouting and gunshots!

"Damm I have bad feeling, be prepared I think we have some company waiting for us back at the surface!" IA said with a serious look.

As we were finally back to the surface I was surprised to find Meiko, Luka, and Gakupo!

"Watch out!" A really familiar voice shouted.

I looked over the edge of the flower and saw that It was Len he seamed to be holding a white club with a golden stripe going around the edges the size of a bat and he had his sailor outfit once again. He quickly turned around when we made eye contact. We both seamed to have frozen at the brother after all this time he finally had that spark back in his eyes. I felt as if time had completely stoped the sound around us disappeared and so did everyone else.

"Len..." I softly called out to him as I slowly stood up and got off the flower. As I started to walk towards him I was caught off guard. I front of me stood Gumi?! Her hair was black, she wore her black outfit again, and had a sinister look on her face.

"Lets play a game!" she said trying to cut me down with a pair of gaint scissors.
For some reason I closed my eyes that time and fell back waiting for her to cut me down but when I opened my eyes again I was even more surprised.

"Are you allright!" Gumi with green hair said to me as it seamed that she had stoped the attack.

I slowly got up and noticed there were two Gumis!! One with balck hair and one with green hair!

"Tsk! Why won't you get out of my way!" The black haired Gumi shouted as she was suddenly pushed back.

"Things are different now! So don't you dare underestimate me! Im Megpoid Gumi the electric angels Knight and ultimate shield! And ill make you pay for all the pain you've made her go through!!" Green haired Gumi shouted standing her ground with a serious look on her face.

Whats going on this time?! Why are there two Gumis?! And whats she talking about being a knight?

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