The strange room

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I slowly went up to the door and grabbed the door nob. When suddenly some one yelled my name.

"Kagamine Rin! What are you doing up hear?!"

I was startled and ended up dropping my bento and completely shutting the door. I turned around to find Akaito sensei with his hands crossed over his chest. I let a sigh and apologized.

"Sorry I didn't know we couldn't go in these class rooms...I was just looking for a place to eat"

Akaito sensei only let out a sigh and then dismissed me. I picked up what was left of my bento and went down stairs. I took a quick glance back before leaving and only noticed my red head sensei try to open the door, but it seams I had accidentally shut it tight. I decided to quickly run down the stairs before I got in trouble again.

As I walked in class I looked out the window and noticed it was raining. That meant pe will be held in the gym today. As I walked in the gym in my pe clothes all I could really think about was the weird room. I wonder what was behind that door? Im pretty sure I herd my name being called out...

As I dozed off in to space I was suddenly hit in the face with a volley ball. I completely fell back and next thing I knew I herd a loud thud sound and I was back flat on the floor. I could hear the rest of the girls laugh at me as I just laid there. Some were worried but no one came to help me. (Like usual......)

"What a looser!"

"Ha ha! Good shot Mayu!"

"Why thank you I do try my best!"

Mayu that wench shes always trying to make me miserable. I felt like getting up and punching her in the face but suddenly everything went pitch black. My eyes completely shut and I couldn't hear or feel anything anymore.

I suddenly felt my self falling when I noticed I was in that strange place again. This time I was facing a boys back. He wore a sailor type of outfit and had blond hair I was about to tap his shoulder when I suddenly fell right through the floor and woke up. I looked around to see that I was in the infirmary. I sighed and then felt an aching pain on my nose and the back of my head. I must of blacked out after Mayu hit me. Tsk!

I noticed that it was still raining and no one was around. I decided to go change out of my pe clothes and back in to my uniform. I went back in to class to get my backpack. As I walked out I looked up the stairs and suddenly herd my name being called again. I looked around to see if anyone was around and quickly went up the stairs. I was once again on the second floor not to far from the abandoned class. The door was still closed but some light still seamed to slip though the bottom of the door. I put my hand on the door nob and twisted it. The door made a creaking sound and suddenly there was a huge flash.

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