The Clash of light and Darkness

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Gumi POV

"Oh how scary!" Evil Gumi mocked me.

She was really getting on my nerves. And for some reason the room began to get darker and darker. It was starting to get harder to follow evil Gumi, it was getting to the point where none of my attacks were even reaching her and she was actually causing me damage. I stood there trying to hear her foot steps when I was suddenly cut on the side of my stomach. I kneeled in pain placing my palm over the fresh wound when I herd her run towards me. Just for a split second I got a good look at her face with a sinister smirk and her bright orange eyes. And next thing I knew she had punched me on the right side of my face.

"Ahahaha! Why so slow Gumi?! Can't you keep up? I guess I'm just stronger than you!" I could hear her laugh at me as I laid on the ground in pain.

"Shut up..." I angrily said dragging my self up. I took a deep breath and tried calming down. I need to go all out, I don't want to disappoint Lenka or Rin!

I her evil Gumi moving around again. She was coming behind this time, I only stood their and waited for her.
"What your just gonna let me kill you off just like that?!" She said.

"Hmp! As if" I confidently replied dogging her giant scissor. I quickly grabbed her shirt collar and kneed her right in the stomach. After that I let go and she started to fall back but I wasn't done! I grabbed her arm and threw her right over my shoulder slamming her body against the cold hard ground.

"Didn't I warn you not to underestimate me!" I said to her.

"*cough* you bi-" she angrily replied but I cut her off by placing my foot on her cheek. She angrily pushed it off and quickly got up, making a lot of distance between us.

As I stood there I noticed that the room wasn't so dark anymore, it was either my eyes were finally adjusting or this had something to do with this evil pest. But either way I didn't care I just got to find a way to stop her.

"Im done playing as well, I'll change my toys up a little ok" she then said sticking out her hand. Suddenly a black sword similar to mine appeared in her hand. She tightly gripped it and gave me a deceiving smile taunting me.

I couldn't help but laught a little. "You really are something, fine let's end this once in for all" I said picking my sword, which I ended up loosing sometime when evil Gumi was giving me a hard time.

We stared each other down for a few seconds and went at it again. I slashed at her and she ended up blocking me, as she did the same. There was honestly nothing fancy about her sword skills she just had alot of brute force and determination. She messed up at one point and I took the opportunity and cut her over her shoulder and down.

She fell to her knee as she help on to her sword using it to stay up. She looked up at me and got back up.

"Ha nice shot..." she then said forcing a smile.

As we continued to exchange attacks I suddenly remembered Lenka. I had slashed the sword out of Evil Gumis hand and knocked her back. This was my chance to completely finish her off. Don't do anything you would regret ...I suddenly herd Lenka say. At that very moment I had stopped my blade right over Evil Gumis face. She only blankly stared at me as I stared at the sword. What would Lenka think if I killed her?

"*sigh* I can't kill you..." I suddenly said backing away from her.


This isn't me...Even if this Gumi had caused a lot of harm, this isn't the person I am.

"What!? You could of finished me! What are you trying to say hu?! That your too good to soil your blade in my blood or something?!" She then angrily said.

"Thats not it! It just that I know what feels like to want to keep on living...Every one deserves to live!" I suddenly said.

That's right... throughout my life I've been blessed many times. But I will never forget the day I was turned human thanks to professor and the day I was given a second chance to live. That day I was saved by Lenka and given the chance to be of some use...I was saved and given the power to become a knight.

"Tch! But I don't want to keep living!" She suddenly shouted.

"What do you mean?" I asked surprised.

"Ha do you think something like me wants to keep living? The empty void I feel will never be filled...What's the point...I thought maybe you could put me out of my misery..." she said looking down.

"What! But you shouldn't want to throw your life away just like that! I know things are complicated, but we can work things out...I can help you..." I suddenly said putting my hand out to her.

She looked at me surprised and then just closed her eyes and gave me a smile. For the first time a saw pure smile on her and not one that was sinister.

"Man I really am jealous of you Gumi..."she suddenly said reaching for my hand and getting up.

I was gald she reached out for my hand, maybe all this girl needs is someone to show her kindness. But when Black haired Gumi got up she pulled me in forwards changing places with me.

"Thank you Gumi...but this is good bye and this time it's for good..." she said to me.

When black haired Gumi pulled me in I fell down when I turned around she was further away and surrounded by a bunch of Pikos glowing sphere bombs. No way there was trap!?

"WAIT!" Shouted to her.

She didn't reply and only turned around smiling and closed her eyes. She seamed so happy...After that there was a huge explosion and everything went blank....

"Gumi I hope we get to meet again but next time as freinds...." I herd Black haired Gumi say to me one last time as I blacked out...

"Good bey..."

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