My conjuring DR

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       A lot of people think my conjuring DR is all about fighting demons and the scary shit, but there is so much more.

       We also go on cases to haunted houses were the spirit or entities not evil, just needs help.

      We have been on multiple cases we're the spirit is lost, or can't pass over.

     Thinking back on it my favorite case was a woman named Barbra. She had been walking what we call purgatory. The space where spirits are still on earth just between the spirit realm and our world. She couldn't pass over.

    We spent 3 days trying and helping her finally in the end she was able to. The kind woman in the long white dress was finally at peace.

      There's many more cases like this one.

   I do also work with demonic entities. I faced Valak basically by myself.

     It is scary but when you're in love with the paranormal like Lorraine Ed and I are it's also an amazing experience. It also shows a lot of people entities and spirits are real.

     I've been in multiple interviews along side Ed and Lorraine sometimes I had to stay home and watch Judy🙄

      I truly love my conjuring DR and will keep you updated on my journey there as well.

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