1/2 Hogwarts DR shift 10/3

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        This shift was hella crazy. Drama started literally as soon I rolled out of bed. Smh.
    I woke up to yelling, mattheo walking in my door rambling on about something. I was half awake and barley understood him. I fully woke up and finally got all of what he was saying.

       He was mad about an argument him and Draco had the previous day. I listened to him for 30 minutes before I was like dude we have to get to class. I love him but omg.

       That day was slow and boring. Classes same as usual. Except Draco and mattheo giving each other the death stare.

       I tried getting them to talk but that only pulled myself into the arguing.

     So I let it go and got mattheos mind off of it.

       The next few days were chill finally except Pansy finally decided to finally started talking to me.

       (Y'all stay tuned in because shit gets wild)

      So I talk to her. Basically being like why now after all these weeks are you gonna talk to me. She just starts saying how she was upset and she sorry.

    Like I get it was upset to but I would have never stopped talking to her.

     So we're finally talking again everything seems great back to normal right. Wrong.

       I'm walking through the halls Thursday and I hear someone whispering how the school thinks there's a death eater student.

       I listen in for a while before Pansy says oh yeah it's probably mattheo look at who his father is.

      Istg I wanted to punch her in the face. Like you're first gonna pretend to be his friend then come to me and pretend like you're not chatting shit behind his back.

       So I walk over acting like I was just passing by making small talk. Pansy with her fake smile. Now I love her but she is now talking shit about my boyfriend.

         So I talk for a while then leave heated as fuck to go talk to mattheo. I walk in barley coherent.

       He grabs my shoulders trying to slow me down and I just start crying. Because I fucking cry when I'm mad.

      He's like what's wrong what happened?!

    I said pansy's a two faced bitch is what happened.
        So I explain everything and he sits me down.

     I'm like I'm fine just needed to rant I'll be okay.

      He goes Draco is the death eater. I look at him and go excuse me.

      He then explains everything and explains why they were fighting. Trying to place the blame on himself. Which what could he have done I know Draco is his friend but he left he got out of that.

        So I comfort him for a while just let him get it all out.

       The next day it's hella awkward between Pansy and I. We talk like I didn't hear what she said.

      Like I get where she was coming from but isn't that snake shit?!

       (Gotta sleep next part soon)


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