Euphoria DR shift 10/9

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I hadn't shifted to my euphoria DR in a few months. A lot was happening in my other DRs, so I decided to stop shifting there for a while.

Well i shifted back!! I was in my DR for 2 and a half ish weeks.

I woke up in rues room, I had slept over. Got up quickly and got ready for school.
There was a big party that night I wasn't gonna go, then Maddy said she was  so obviously now had I to go. Not that I was mad.
I skipped most of my classes either with rue or with Cassie and Maddy that day.
After school I went to Maddy's house and dressed up.
(If some of you didn't know Maddy and I are together, kinda secret not to our friends and some people)
Later that night we headed to the party, got drunk as fuck. I love being drunk with our friends we're always laughing or doing dumb shit.
           During the party so many people hit on my girl, I'm like bitch stg I will kill you please try me bro.
Maddy decided to go home early but I wanted to stay, so she ubered home and I stayed drinking, talking with rue and Cassie.
When everyone else went home I was like shit I don't have a ride and it's like 130 am. So I decided to just call up fez. Even in the middle of our fight.(we had been fighting since the last time I shifted)
He was kinda pissed I was ringing his phone but came and got me anyways. We were always close no matter what shit was happening.
I stayed at his house that night.
The next morning I got up and skipped school entirely, surprised they haven't expelled me yet.
Rue had also skipped so I went over to hers.
     We smoked and shit, taking about life.
           We hangout until school was over and her mom got home. Then i went to Maddy's.
        We talked about colleges because she wanted to go off after school. I really didn't but I would follow her anywhere. That was our topic for a few hours. With her I could talk about pointless shit for days. 
           We ended up falling asleep later on, she's the cutest when she sleeps.
              The next day was Saturday so we stayed and slept in. I woke up around 12 made some food for us and fell back asleep. That weekend was pretty low key we didn't do much except for stay in and watch TV. 
       Monday I got a lecture from Lexi about how I needed to be in school. I love her but I don't really care. So I just listened and said mhm til she stopped.
         The only class I skipped that day was pre calculus but that's because Maddy and I met up in the bathrooms.
           I honestly just wanted Lexi off my back.
          I stayed with Maddy for a few days and then cas for the weekend. (I don't have parents or a home🤪)
          The rest of my shift was school and being with Maddy rue or Cassie.
    I could get into more details about that if you like! Leave a comment!


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